A guide for beginners.

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Re: A guide for beginners.
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
This is a very great informative post! You worked hard and just with speaking with you briefly i know your bright! Good work :D

Blessed Be
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 4

Awesome! I could see how you said that your first post was limited due to time constraints. I also like how this is titled 'A Guide for Beginners' and not straight out basics, as it is tailored for the newbies of SoM.

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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 5
Umm quick thing with the moon different phases of the moon has different properties for different spells
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 6
Thanks I've been searching for like ever thanks it's really informative and some stuff I really needed to know thank u! thank u! thank u!
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 7
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Re: A guide for beginners.
By: / Novice
Post # 8
hey SpiritualMan i know i posted this on you Spellcasters repost of your forum, but i figured i should post it here also since more people will probably be reading this post.

meditation: originated in eastern culture; Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Taoism so on. the different meditation techniques date back farther than 50 years ago.

visualization: it might help a little with seeing spirits, but that's more focus, some need to clear their mind before speaking with spirits.

Grounding: while it can get rid of negative energy, it gets rid of excess energy left behind after a spell. this energy can build up in our system and lea to us feeling sick.

Centering: good points, though i think you meant [or forgot to mention] charging. it's needed to cast spells, you need to charge your body with energy in the universe or else a spell won't work. centering is important, but without energy the spell is useless.

spellcasting: another well written point. should also mention however the caster needs to put forth some effort to achieve the goal. money spells don't work if you sit on the couch watching tv, love spells won't work if you don't socialize or say hi to the person. spells aren't a 100% guarantee, they help the odds in your favour, but spells do fail for different reasons.

the next couple points are good, the moon though, half true.

Moon: most spells are best done on the full moon for the reasons you listed, but some aren't some spells like curses, or spells to bring change, are best done on the new moon. if you want a spell to grow with strength, then it should be cast a few days before the full or new moon, to be completed on the day the moon is full/new for maximum strength.

How to Write a Spell: good point, they should also research the items used in the spell, and test it out.

Magick: 'they believe its evil and they worship the devil.' just no. some people don't believe in magick for varying reasons, 'the devil' is not one of these reasons if you're Wiccan/Pagan. if you're Christian then yes, but Wiccans don't believe in 'the devil'. a Wiccan might not cast magick because they feel it goes against free will, they don't believe magick can do anything, they would rather deal with a situation them-self. Wiccan's are witches, a 'witch' is the practitioner. just like calling a catholic 'christian' they're part of the faith, though they have a few different beliefs than an anglican or a baptist. Wiccans have a few rules other pagans may not, the Wiccan Rede for instance, it is a reason why many Wiccans might not cast spells.

AP is alright.

Ouija Board: it doesn't open a portal, it's attracting spirits towards the board. it's also not evil, it's a tool like an Athame or a Besom. it can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, but it's not evil. how would your parents know they're not a toy? chances are your parent used them as a toy at a slumber party and think it's just a game to freak you out. it's not, you are correct, people do get in trouble when they misuse the board, but it's not evil, should avoid using it though until you're more advanced.

and the chakra's are fine. sorry to go through all of them pointing things out, but if you're using this to teach people, just make sure it's as accurate as possible and not based on personal opinion.
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 9
Thank you so much I now know what to do and what not to do.
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 10
can any person practise this and make it even if no one ever practised magic in your clan??
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 11
Yes. Anyone can practice and learn magic, if you have the desire and drive to learn.
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Re: A guide for beginners.
Post # 12

Magick isn't anything supernatural to be found only in some bloodlines. Magick is energy, and we all, as human beings, have that energy.

What makes us different when studying and practicing magick is our determination and enthusiasm in gathering information.

Assming you're new, start with the above basics as it's a really good post. Look around all the posts in the forums and understand what "magick" really is.

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