Wanting power is one thing, everybody wants that to a certain extent. Obsession with power is something else! That produced Hitler,Stalin,and many others like them!
A little hunger,yes! Too much, definitely not!
And power dosent lead to evil, I have tons of powers, but I dont feel the nead for power in general, powers mostly just come to me while im fooling aroand, power dosent make you evil, how you use it can
People who desire power usually felt very powerless at some point of their life due to their family,peers or even a stranger treating them bad.This desire is driven by pain and anger in most cases and it is almost sure that if such person receives true power they will abuse it in many ways.No external power can be controlled and held in check if inner will is weak and there is not control over your emotions.The external power should come only after one has achieved state of inner power or the situation can become rather tragic for everyone.If you expect spiritual being to give you external power ,while you are crumbling inwards this is equal to committing suicide and perhaps few murders on the way.We all know that a house needs to have strong foundation or with each floor you add on the top of it it becomes weaker to the point it will simply fell apart.Power requires also responsibility and the more power you have the more responsible you have in terms of how you are using it ,while the temptation to abuse it becomes stronger and stronger.If you do not have strong foundation and will you will crumble under this burden and then the power will control you not other way around.
Of course many people want power because initially they have good intentions like to make the world better place ,but more often the same process occurs when at some point they are controlled by this power than other way around.We have seen this happening into so many religions ,which started as means for salvation and ended with piles of tortured and dead bodies behind in the name of keeping this religion as ultimate one.I personally believe that as long as you are not extremely spiritual and you do not have non bias spiritual beings to keep you in check you always will be very prone to loose control over your inner and external sources of power and does not matter how weak or strong their are.There is a price for everything you receive.That is what my spirit guides remind me always,because more of this is more of that too.