i think it is time...

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Re: i think it is time...
By: / Novice
Post # 21
Like making people apply to the site instead of just signing up? Sounds good to me. Not incredibly realistic though. Harsher rules? Stricter guidlines? What other way woulf you suggest, Chaos?
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Re: i think it is time...
By: / Novice
Post # 22
Sorry about the spelling. Got a little hurried there.
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 23
i did found another way, but pet did not do it. it was very long ago when i was a mod. it is where you have your own ignore list and friends list... the ones you put on your ignore list can't message you and you can't read what there saying on the forums. but he never did it...
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 24
Why not use a messeging system outside of this one if you are mailing people on a regular basis and encountering problems?

Whatever restrictions you are talking about are up there for a reason. Be it legal, cost, less annoyance for the owner.
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 25
Also the chatter is an excellent place to talk to someone
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Re: i think it is time...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 26
Choas, Pet is working on a new site and some of the issues you are having with the mail will go away.

The problem with the mail here is that many use it as a way to private chat. Instead of talking in depth about the topic at hand, they send one liners back and forth. This gets them to the limit of messages per hour quickly. If that is what you want to do then go to meebo, myspace, or yahoo to chat.

I don't think that the limit is a set of training wheels. It is a way to keep spammers in check and that helps the mods out a great deal.
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 27
I like how a couple of days after your return, you come and say what the siteowner NEEDS to do. If you feel that way then you can turn right back around and go. We dont have time for your attitude. You have like 3 or 4 accounts so why dont use those to message people too. Sorry if it came off as a little rude but, we have restictions for a reason and they will not be let up just for ONE person.
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 28
in response to travv...i jsut think its riduclous hows he is telling pet what HE NEEDS to do
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 29
yes you are all right, i did came back and been that rude way. was the site really that peaceful when i was gone? if so then tell me and i well leave with out looking back.
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Re: i think it is time...
By: / Novice
Post # 30
Lol. It's hard to even get all these people to respect each other none the less make it peaceful. Don't leave, just don't become part part of the problem.
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