is this site satanic?

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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 21
u r right....i did magick for a year or so.........because i am a magician....doing handslieght teaqnucs......and i used REAL magick to convens ppl about being able to control or do super natural sorry if i insulted any realy sorry.....however this is my believe..........also some times i can be very curious to do super natural things....and i liked that feeling....also i have the power of seeing the future....but i dont pay attention to it....this power always warns me and make me causious but i dont take the craft seriously
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 22
I was raised in a christian family. I have heard so many different things about what is good and what is evil. Honestly, it's how "you" perceive it. In my opinion, it's really up to you to decide. I know one satanist. Granted, he's not on here, but I have always heard that satanist mainly believe in god and the devil, but they believe that lucifer got ripped off. Lucifer was jealous of the humans, god didn't like it, banished him. The bible, however, does not contain the complete truth due to those who decided that certain "stories" would remain left out. Have you heard of the book of Enoch? You should read it. That's not the only one that just so happened to be left out.

magick- the art and science of focusing your will and emotions to effect change both in the world around you and within you. Magick is neither good or evil, positive or negative. It's how it is used that determines the path.

Considering the definition, prayer would be considered magick. Also there is the book of psalms that is used in exorcisms, so technically, the bible is a magick book. Although, I'm not a christian, I still feel that their strong belief creates magick.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 23
^_^ in overall it is not satanic, but you can see it as evil if you like...but take in count the Bible is half trues...
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 24
a few questions: 1. how many languages was the bible translated into? 2. how many copies are there?

my point is along these lines, i found that the bible is a fake, the stories have been rewriten to souit the people in the region reading it, parts have been left out, and parts have been added, if you want the real bible, then make a time machine and go to the time of adam and eve and ask god about it.
i'm not really a christain, most of the things they do i think is wrong, like forcing there belifs on others
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 25
it's satanic friendly. people of all religion are welcome here. If you trying to ask if this site is bad or not you didn't ask it right. Satanism is not a bad religion though some think that it is. This site is good site take what you want from it. Please do some research on satanism because I'm tired of hearing satan/satanism in a negative way like some people see it. I'm not satanic but I respect those who are.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 26
There are quiet a few radicals from both sides. Sure the bible was written a few thousand years before the trials but it has known to be altered. Especially when coming into power, they had to get rid of the females who seemed to have a higher position than a lot of others. Therefore the Bible was edited in order to suit their needs, and to keep women and certain other people out of political power positions or certain stations in society.

So it could have been yet again edited to suit the context of the witch trials in order to have a legitimate reason to have them on trial. The fear of God is a powerful tool to control the masses.

I believe that Christianity is a beautiful religion but there are some who are just ignorant.

I practice the lighter side of magick so please feel free to ask any questions Yah. I shall be happy to answer in the best way I can.

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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 27

No this site is not satanic. But it is to some people who are but I repect their religion because they are still good people. I do not like Black Magick though.

This site is about using various types of Magick like White Magick, Black Magick, Dragon Magick, etc. So like other people have said no this site is not satanic (Except to the people who are santanisms) unless you are the mean christian saying "Pray for Forgivness so Jesus can save your soul!!!" thing.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 28

it tells the bible could have been altered so people prob added the witch craps in
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 29
This is all I have to say...

Magick can be Satanic, depending on the spells you use. If you use spells that summon demons (or Satan) Then yes, it's Satanic... Christians believe that when someone casts a spell, it summons demons... I find that the biggest piece of bullshit I ever heard. If that's true, why do we have demon-relinquishing spells? Witches aren't evil, aren't worshipers of Satan, and are of good health economically.
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Re: is this site satanic?
Post # 30
I heard if a Christan witch/warlock entered or approached a church, they would be struck by lightning for entering God's House.
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