am I evil?

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Re: am I evil?
Post # 21
I found ur 'sensing' question silly but,as for my opinion i don't sense any negative or positive radiation..... when u 'BOOoooMmmmm' realese.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 22

Well, thats only my display picture. IF you see my bio or profile, you will see I shown up my facebook. And I have my own picture there. Of course, those who had my MSN or YAHOO will know that, I put up my picture too.

And you cannot just say that she is brave because she put her own picture. Maybe she just do not know her hideous looking, and she think that she is very pretty. Who knows?
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 23
You missed the point and are simply being ignorant.

Beauty if in the eye of the beholder. Your comments on her physical appearance show just how ugly you are.

Again I say, no where here did she ask for ANYONES personal opinion of how she looks. You are attacking her for no reason whatsoever.

There's no friggin need for it.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 24
Never ask a question which answer you know.. when you know people will not answer what you want to hear.. nor when the answer is relevant to no one else and will just come out of plain opinions and not facts.. So, I will defend clement here... each individual replying this post will only state the plain fact of an opinion.. since we can argue over good and evil.. since this two terms are to far from materialized and and just "pure" "astral" word. I CAN SAY.. I AM PURE EVIL.. and yet all people around me will think the contrary.. and will see me as the most sweetest thing ever.. ^_^ so, tell me.. who in here posted a "fact" that was not an opinion.... ??
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 25
Variados, he is of course entitled to his thoughts.

My annoyance is that he dug up a post that hasn't been touched since JUNE to tell the poster she was ugly horrid and man hungry....oh, and not evil.

There is NO reason to do that. It is of NO help. And he tends to feel the need to call people names based on his prejudices.

I will give you people post things that are absolutely useless. I do it myself frequently. But to dig this up after what? 5-6 months simply to tell someone they are ugly, which wasn't even asked by the poster, is beyond uncalled for.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 26
Sure it is uncalled for.. ^_^ the whole thread is..
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 27
This is really nothing new, clements been talking out of his @ss the entire time he's been here. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get his rude and uncalled for comments.

Besides that, many don't post their real pics anyways, that could be a friend or a relative or some random myspace girl for all you know. So judging the pic was real dumb.

Only you know if your good or bad. You can try your best to lead a rightous life and be cursed by people who follow a different way, that's how it is. Standards are higher lower and completley flipped. Don't worry about what others think. Just live.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 28
-_- true.. I like your pic.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 29
Thanks vari, its been a wile. Glad to see your still around spaming up things. Jk I haven't turned over a new leaf or anything, though somebodys probably going to say in a nagging voice: you could just pm eachothre ya know! Yeah yeah we know but this thread is dead anyways crabby patties.
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Re: am I evil?
Post # 30
^_^ I know right... -_- besides the one who made the thread.. forgot all about it.
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