Everyone lend my your ear

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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 21
"Christians are hard to mix with.." Your not thinking about mixing with Christians are you ? I dont wanna like step on anyone's hope for unity with Christians but as a religion they will never accept witchcraft/magic in any form.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 22
she has a point on that but you know ther is always gonna be enemies no matter what you do how you do it it will be calm here for awhile but ther is a time when it wont and not the last either
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 23
and if so then i well fight them off!
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 24
same here with that ;) im a wolf after all. hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowl!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 25

This forum is about unity.

But everyone is talking about fighting.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 26
not if your defending the ones you care you about ;)
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 27
But I am a true Christian, and look at me, hahaha. it is not the Christians but the people, that is who is evil. But hay, I love everyone even my enemies, hahahaha, and yes i am a freak. hahaha.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 28
"not if your defending the ones you care you about ;) "
Forward Defence? That's more like attacking under a different name.
Is there any way that we can say to Christians "We practice witchcraft" without being tied to a stake and burnt? Or be labelled "Devil boy" or "Devil girl" for the rest of your life?
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 29
yes we are here to group up and stick together. but there are still people out there that well want to stop us. for any of this to work, we must find a way to stop those who wish to stop us. now i am not saying that i know who those people are and here is the list... no i am saying that anything can happen.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 30
In all truth, we will be mocked, and what not, but we still have to stay strong, and i read the question as to how do i expect to unite the people of magick.
It is up to them to take this action, i simply make the speech to persuade them to stand up for themselves, and also, a group of people who are strangers to each other will still unite if needed, or if a common trait is found amongst all of them that they share and cherish. that is a great thing about humans, we stick together in a time of utmost need
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