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Re: Lost
Post # 24
because sinners sometimes dont ask for forgiveness to god and those who does bad and evil and in time they learn from their mistakes and give up to god then god forgives them but if its the other way around then yes in that relgion whatever you believe for example christianity you will burn in hell
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Re: Lost
Post # 25
Man, wow.. I guess I am missing the most important thing..
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Re: Lost
Post # 26
thank you Nodrk I don t know english that well to say all those stuff you sad,but that whas my point,thank you.
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Re: Lost
Post # 27
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Re: Lost
Post # 28
Hmmm... Intresting convo going on. No religion is bad, no religion is good either. Being spiritual or religouse or just... Nothing is all up to that one person's choice. Also I wanna put my input on Christians... I have been raised as a Christian, and when I went to church, they always said that Jesus and God wanted you treat others right... That is the main message in the religion, isn't it? Doing good for others, and few times doing good for your own self as a reward? Well... Just courise, why do most Christians shun others? That is one of the few reasons I became non-religouse. Anyways, now to Kiji. I have a few friends doubting their religion. What does your heart say? If you wish to be a Satanist, there is no need to delay. Why don't you try going as non-religouse for a day or so? Maybe that will help. Also, Nekro(Ithink) you do sound as if you're saying your religion is the very best... When no religion is really the best in total. ^^ A religion either works for someone, or it doesn't. Hopefully I didn't ramble on too much about nothing..?
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Re: Lost
Post # 29
Kiji and other Christian who are leaving faith from Christain, have you learn about Islam and Muslims.
Try to read Quran the book of God the staring chapter link bellow

(Chapter About Maryam and Christian)
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Re: Lost
By: / Novice
Post # 30
I've said before and I'll say it again: you either are god, you find god, or you make god. Sometimes all three.

I guess everybody has the same problem with god. That is nobody in the world is 100% positive that he/she/it is there without in some way having blind faith. And that's the main focus of any religion. Faith. If faith is in self and self is unstable, so to is faith. The thing with that is 98% of humans ARE unstable. We are all up, down and all over, and our faith goes with us. Religion gives us somewhere consistent to place our faith. It's why scripture, such as the one about the lord being "the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow", is so important. We are begging for something that doesn't change. Many people stay unaware that we are able to break our human programming and train ourselves to be more stable. Maybe not always on am emotional level, but definitely on a spiritual level. Spiritual growth, as I'm sure you've gathered by now, is very important. The questions remain, do you need to find something that moves your spirit? Do you need to make something to move your spirit? Or are you capable of being what moves your spirit? The best answers to start off with are maybe, maybe, and maybe. Walk around a little bit and see what you think. Sit quiet and listen to yourself for a while. Doubt everything. Question everything.
Answer as much as you can and look for the other answers. Ask other people. Read. Or sit quiet and listen to yourself some more. Nothing is unattainable.
Even the answers to the questions that were asked rhetoric just to shake you to sleep.
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Re: Lost
Post # 31
my,my...someone realy don t know to read...
Did I sad I have religion?????No I did not!!!!I sad I have spiritual ways to improve myself,I did not say MY religion.Praying to my God SATANAEL is not religion IM not satanist,please don t make me angry!!!!!
I just sad that from my view,spiritualism is better than religions...does everybody understand or I have to write it on Serbian?????!!!!
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Re: Lost
By: / Novice
Post # 32
I feel transparent lately.

Please don't go off in Serbian. I still don't know what I agreed to last time that happened.
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Re: Lost
Post # 33
haha don t wory,well I could say couple off words...
Slava ocu Satanaelu,neka njegovo carstvo cvjeta a mocna ruka neutralise sve neprijatelje koji se suprostave njegovim sljedbenicima!
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