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Re: moon..
Post # 27

The eclipse this time will be Far worse!

The feelings of power is a lure, a carrot dangled in our faces to make us plod unsuspectingly foreward.

Do you're selves a favour:

stay inside, dont cast, dont use energy. Make Yourself Unnoticible.
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Re: moon..
Post # 28
omg ive been outside ahh dont worry about me
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Re: moon..
Post # 29
flagg are u some scared person you are the one always telling people to not do something or else. do u know what that or else could be well go outside and wander around and find out what im doing do it when its night flagg get over it. if u are trying to protect people firgure out what will happen if we do what u said.
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Re: moon..
Post # 30
yeh mostly around the united states was a storm turned on the channel so many schools closed ok it stormed because of it. its tonight dont stark freakin out u guyzz say everyone goes crazy the onlyones goin crazy is u guyz its what u belive yes something will happen but dont go all crazy and scaredy cat.
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Re: moon..
Post # 31
yeh mostly around the united states was a storm turned on the channel so many schools closed ok it stormed because of it. its tonight dont stark freakin out u guyzz say everyone goes crazy the onlyones goin crazy is u guyz its what u belive yes something will happen but dont go all crazy and scaredy cat. how will the demons think of us theyll think were wimps.
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Re: moon..
Post # 32
Zakaki, I'm going to pretend you didnt just call me a Coward.

Consider for one moment I might have been privy to some information You didnt know.

After all, nobody knows everything Right?

As for what I believe, I think this post would have been more approperate as a PM, not as a public statement that would draw us both into an arguement I have no intrest in persuing.

Suffice it to say I know things, you probally know things. And we both havent said all we know.

Next time you have a problem with something I say, please have the courticy to PM me instead of Publicly insulting me.

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Re: moon..
Post # 33
wha.. i didnt call u a coward flagg i think your really tuff and figure out plans but im not calling u one.srry if u thought so im talking about mostly everyone and even me. u guyz always havet to act all serious and make stuff up. that someone said were all gona die on the 21st umm i didnt see a moon on the 20th and i know u wouldnt see it on the 21st but u can just u watch the darkness take over pretty much nobody got killed as far as i know so what u guyz makin a big deal out of.flagg i dont think that of u.
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Re: moon..
Post # 34
u guyz im tired of all u people u talk all big talk sayin all this stuff on these threads and crap lol hahhahah look nothin happend what was all that big talk for its just like the other one. if u belived that stuff then u did get affected if u kinda half and half belived it geus your ok.just depends on what u belive next time meake sure something bigs gona happen not some dinky thing that wasnt true im tired of all this.
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Re: moon..
Post # 35
jsut because nothing happend to dosent mean it did not happen to other people
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Re: moon..
Post # 36
dude i have seen lunar elcispe i watch the moon disaper um hello for 2 days i didnt se no moon but that doesnt prove anything and i live in the us so it was there just plz im not saying none was affected people who belived in their soul they were gona get hurt they got hurt its what they belive
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