Type of monster

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Re: Type of monster
Post # 4
The places(in my dreams) I saw it at were: In a cage at a small ancient library i was exploring,As one in a strange rainy town,In pools near a swamp i was passing,I got chased by one in a Huge factory warehouse place,I saw one murder everyone in a classroom I walked pass( the reason i didnt stop it was because i was one at the time and didnt see it as strange even though i kept my mind when i got changed), and finally i saw 2 in a room with some people dressed in black speaking to them.
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 5
That is JUST like one of my dreams. One dream I had. I was in a libary with someone (I don't know who) and it was an ancent libary with books everywhere. And it had a Black Magicktion dressed in Black also giving us a black book.

It is similar to yours
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 6
I was in a library at one point but it was if it had been abandoned long ago. I didnt see anyone but unfortuantly I was woken up and didnt get to spend alot of time there.
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 7
The Libary in my dream was also run down and all dusty. I still have yet to figure out what the dream ment
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 8
I dont reallyknow much. Im unable to control where i look in my dreams so im not able to say much about it. The reason i mentioned it was because i saw a creature like the ones in my other dream. There wasnt much else besides that since i woke up soon after i had entered it.
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 9
the monsters eyes where they black as the night, the iris was white and did the pupil look more like a slit
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 10
I didnt get a good look at the eyes, but yes the pupil was definitly a slit, i remember that much.
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 11
BEWARE..of the black ones..in robes...they maybe doing sinister things.Spellgirl was once attacked by them.so beware.
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 12
they are doing sinister things thats what there trained for,
Azra i need you to remember the eye colors any way possible, this could save alot of lives
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Re: Type of monster
Post # 13
look deep inside your thoughts
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