Needing Rest

CovenShadow Craft ► Needing Rest
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Re: Needing Rest
Post # 4
Exactly flag somthing brewing

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 5
I to having been feeling low . I am having other trouble to at this moment ,but as you say just the feeling off needing to rest . I have been wakeing up at night time with my hands layed on my solar plexus but what has been waking me up is the energy am giving myselfe . it like am charging mysle up .
any one els getting wakening up like this ? Blesed be every one

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 6
Well i allways feel the need to rest cus i have a very tireing job but still i rest more than i usually would LOL the morning my fingers hurt and i can't move them normally it's like i'd be having some kind of blockade in my finger joints...and it's getting worse every day

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 7
Thats funny, i'm normaly the lazy type, but latly, I have been

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 8
I am going away for the week starting from tomorrow , I am going to a forest near the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Parks . I am feeling very drained off energy for the past few week's . This way I will recoup my energy and feel refresshed . I think my body is needing it just with me healing myslfe during my sleep . When I am away I will send all the positive energy to you all ,I will be back on friday night saterday morning not sure yet .I will miss you all and wish that i could have you all there with me , Blessed be dear friends

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 9
We'll miss you have a nice rest.

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 10
I'm doing daily my LBRP &BRH ,feeling really good guys,too much!!
god bless you..All..!!

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 11
I've been resting, but not by choice...It feels like my body is at rest, but my mind is going a thousand miles a minute. I think I need to drink less tea. :)

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 12
Am back today I had a wonderfull rest I spent a good time with my husben and daugther and her family on the scotish loch it was wornderfull looking at the mountin and the loch I could not have wish for it any better . it was trully wonderfull to get back to neatuer i wish that every one could be renewd with this feeling . blessed be

Re: Needing Rest
Post # 13
Well afer the Attack in yahoo last Sat night, I realize that this was the calm before the storm. Thanks to everyone binding together, we came through, once again. LOL, When are they gonna realize that we are to strong of a coven to be messed with. When we bide together we are a forse to be reconded with.

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