Something to think about

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Re: Something to think about
Post # 31
Your attitude wasn't nice.. and it didn't relate to the topic..
"so before you start trying to imply that i mean things that i dont, maybe you should look in the mirror."
I reflect.. alot.. =] Do you?
9/10 of your points didn't even relate to this topic.. then you implied I was a troll.. besides, they (your 10 "Life Lessons") seemed to be "rack off noobs" attitude.. and we're trying to discourage that =]
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Re: Something to think ab
Post # 32
i completely have to agree with Sir prize.9/10 of Gunthix`s points seems non-related to the current topic.
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 33
Barbarious; I'm beginning to think you're just full of yourself. DragonHeart was making a valid point by saying that we should help those who know less then we do. There is nothing wrong with saying that and there is nothing wrong with doing that. Just because you may have had some "tiff" with him before doesn't mean any time he now brings up anything related to that topic that he will be referring to you. I've had arguments about drinks with some people before, but when I mention those drinks now do you think those people even cross my mind? No. I can't even remember their names. (told you replying would mean more from me :) )

Now, back on topic.
As Sir Prize pointed out it is possible to learn from experience too, but sometimes even when learning from experience we need a little push in the right direction. I can't really think of any way to help teach the newbs unless we have yet to set up a welcoming comity. By that I mean a group of teachers who message new members as soon as they join to offer to help teach them.
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 34
ok..let me put it this way because you are obviously to ignorant to understand what i am trying to say. i NEVER sad that i was trying to relate to the topic. and in no way did i say anything about noobs. i was simply stateing fact. those are life lessons that apply to every one. in the craft or not. so just back off of me.
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 35
"life sucks. get over it." Doesn't apply to me. That's a life lesson that isn't completely accurate, life may suck on occasion, but rather then just getting "over it" we should focus on making the situation better.
"if you dont like your conditions change them." This, I think, should be added to the "life sucks" lesson.
"nobody will EVER always get along with another person." I've met a few people that I get along with all the time.
"fear keeps us alive. it gives us what we need to know to stay away from." When fear leads to panic it doesn't help at all. Rather then listen to fear; we should listen to instinct, and their is a difference.
"i may even make an entire new thread about it." Might be a good idea, then the people who read this will know it's the main topic and discuss it more.

This is not an attempt to attack or start an argument. I just got bored. :)
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 36
So it all comes down to this..
"ok..let me put it this way because you are obviously to ignorant to understand what i am trying to say. i NEVER sad that i was trying to relate to the topic." - Evil_Gunthix
"just posted those to get a point across. and speaking of trolls...dont u think u are kinda being one right now?" - Evil_Gunthix
"so before you start trying to imply that i mean things that i dont, maybe you should look in the mirror." - Evil_Gunthix
Yep, it all makes sense to me =D
"so just back off of me." - Evil_Gunthix
Kids these days..
I hope, Evil_Gunthix, you will learn by Method number 1, currently, you are learning by Method number 3, as I have forced many to before.
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 37
By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter.” - Confucius
Vari, I don't know if your experience was bitter or not.

Three methods? Hmmm...I am the kind of person who tends to do observation the most.. after that I deduce what i believe is important and discard the rest, this will be considered reflecting within thoughts. To imitate or follow the steps of the teacher is not showing your real potential; instead it limits the will or becomes a burden to carry. I did not have an specific teacher. Most individuals thought me different areas, for example my grandpa thought me about each entities patterns or how to recognize them. He did not teach me how to get rid of them, but how to be out of their way. Nor he taught me about terms such as A.P. I could not imitate none of those individuals, their beliefs in reality were less ulterior than mine. By experience, I have learn more than I can handle. I am getting there. One of this days, I will understand better what happened, is happening and will happen. Besides, that I am not much of a practitioner. I am more of a observer, which also implies I try many things... -_- some not so good, others quite excellent.

And as Evil_gunthix...
My life lessons are
1. Respect all living beings, and you will be respected. It is contagious.
2. Smile, life is define not for what we have, but what we give and learn. And till one dies realize if all was worth or not.
3. Our state of mind is vital to understand situations. Situations cannot be change as easy as said, and more if there is no understanding.
4.I get along even with my so call enemies.
5.One can control owns action, but not the results.
6.Pain is not weakness getting out of the body, but a signal that something is wrong and needs to be attend it to. This is one of the best mechanism of a living body.
7. Crying is good, but laughter is better.
8. Courage is when fear is present, and you do something about it. Fear without control clouds judgment.
9. Live your life without a tomorrow. Live it like a dream that can be share with others. But live if like you mean it, but do not get attach to it.
10.One is entitle to owns opinion, but to hear others is more enjoyable. Each person to its own, the world ends when one closes its eye for the last time.

And this lessons... are to be shifted.. and not in order.. nor they describe no one in specific.. but is something that tends to be in my mind all the time. After all, my thoughts are like unstable air, that changes my emotions like water, and makes my actions move like fire, which affects my physical state like earth. (A lesson of the meaning of each element.. MUAHAHAHA).
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Re: Something to think ab
Post # 38
Bravo for Variados.You`re such a goddess!

As for Evil_Gunthix,Different people will always have a different life lessons.You can`t expect everything to be the same.
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 39
VERY well said, Vari, however one of the life lessons you both (Vari and Gunthix) said has led me to the decision of clarifying.

When exercising the initial pains are a sign that weakness is leaving the body. That pain is a kind of burn that warms the area being worked and, at a point in the exercise, even encourages you to do more. Once that pain becomes pain, however, it means it's time to stop.
Pain is the mind's way of saying there is something wrong with the body, but pain isn't always a sign of something bad. When getting strong their is that pain to tell you that what you are doing is working and as the pain intensifies you should realize that you are getting closer and closer to over-doing it.
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Re: Something to think about
Post # 40
I've watched this post for the past few days, and came to a realization. Its a wonder we get much done around here, A simple point was given and this thread has turned into a drama column. Out of all honesty I don't see where life lessons fit in at all; except for Be nice to Newbies. SOME of you have decided to debate each other and bash. This is stupid, I'm sorry I posted at all now.

Trolls and role-players have nothing to do with teachers leaving, it takes dedication and patience to be a teacher. Either you have it or you don't, and for those that claim to be teachers and don't have it, I'm glad to see them go.

This thread was made with absolutely no one in mind. There wasn't a fight, bashing session, or malice of any kind in thought when I posted it... and now if I could delete it I would.

I appreciate those of you who had my back and still do. You know exactly who you are... Thank-you.

But all in all, this topic has gotten way off point...and please forgive me but absolutely retarded. You all can keep the site forums, I'm disappointed but good. And the sad part is next 2 or 3 posts will also be way off point, complaining about my point of view on this. And if that is the case some of us still a have a long way to go in growing up.

Bottom line people, Just help beginners, and if you have no intention of doing so, then either point them to someone who will or just leave them be.
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