Not sure how to ask this

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Re: Not sure how to ask this
Post # 31
RandyP23, there is no outside entity that conspires to have us suffer and die. Death is a necessary part of life, and when a person is suffering it is a welcome release.

Satan didn't kill your sister, that is just how things happened for her. Neither she, nor the god you worship, would want you to have hate in your heart for any reason. You'll be able to work through her loss, and eventually be grateful for the memories you have left.

If you would like to talk about it sometime, id be happy to help out. Otherwise I don't feel that trying to find a magical way to lash out at a personification of your hurt will do you any lasting good.
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Re: Not sure how to ask this
Post # 32
Satan exist and does not exist at the same time.It depends on how you think it is "Satan" himself.Most religions have shown Satan to be somewhat an evil entity who causes nothing more than destruction.But why should we believe that Satan is evil?

Was he just an imaginary being that exists in the minds of many humans?Just like demons,many quickly assume demons are taking over them.Possession or just some plain paranoia one created out of himself/herself.

Evil and good are just perceptions of the mind itself.Everyone perceive things differently yet share the same views.

Just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you're the so called hero to bind Satan himself and completely rid of his evil.The same goes for others who think they're the chosen one.Sounds like knight's tale,right?

So why chase for this so-called Satan that your ego created?
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Re: Not sure how to ask this
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 33
The bible was written by men; not by God. Moses wrote the first five books of the scriptures. Many wrote the New Testament "gospels" (only four were chosen by the Nacine Creed) which were then "edited" by many others. The Koran takes much from other beliefs, even accepts Jesus as a "prophet". The one difference between the Judeo/Christian and Islam is the command "Thou shall not kill". The Koran makes it quite clear:-
"The infidel (unbeliever) shall be put to the sword." Members of this site should not quote from books they have not thoroughly read, studied, and researched. You either believe, or you do not believe;don't argue about it.
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Re: Not sure how to ask this
Post # 34
The koran and the other religious books do not always have the same texts.Most are edited to suit one's opinion.Some were made to make turn an innocent person into a hate filled idiot.I really like your response,Mr Brysing. :)
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Re: Not sure how to ask this
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 35
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Re: Not sure how to ask this
Post # 36
wow can't believe this thread got so "popular" well as i said satan is ego. you are certainly not killing ego by what idea you have and as flagg said to which i totally agree, death is a part of life. Death is nothing to fear or hate nor did "the boogyman" claim any life of your family, it was simply her time to move on from this plane of existence which very soon you too will do. you family member is completely happy where there are now even if you don't understand but for the last time, don't do anything stupid calling up some random demon you think is satan, cause you will looking for trouble. No demon has power over life and death.

As for the person who stated that no human cannot destroy a demonic entity that i do not agree with sadly , many may say i am wrong but that is your choice of vision i say what i say the end.
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