i will normally post something but if they keep asking i will just ignore,
Re: Sensible People Stand Up By: MadAngel
Post # 34 Jan 03, 2012
Kts said it perfectly :)
Re: Sensible People Stand Up By: magiwoman01
Post # 35 Jan 03, 2012
When I came to this site, I did try. But as someone very rightly pointed out, repitition wears you out. Soon enough I realised that everytime I replied to mermaid and vampire posts, I felt an energy drain. And I suspect whiteraven that's how you're feeling right now. So, eventually I began ignoring these posts altogether. I wouldnt even read them.
Having made that confession, I do agree with you that something needs to be done. So I will do as much as I can but I will not go through every single one of these posts. My patience level for stupidity is zero
Re: Sensible People Stand Up By: Birdlover101 / Beginner
Post # 36 Jan 03, 2012
Brysing and Whiterav3n I agree with you. I do think media does influence the new people. Think about it this way, if someone who lives in a strict, religious, Christian family starts reading Harry Potter and they've never heard of what Witchcraft is they might think that Harry Potter is real but, when they get on the computer and start reading they learn that magic isn't what Harry Potter is. Of course, people can believe whatever they want. Someone could say that the cow jumped over the moon and that's how it was created to me and I wouldn't care but, I just haven't replied for a while to people posting vampire,werewolf, and mermaid spells. I get tired of replying to them too but, I'm just taking a bit of a break from that. I don't believe it's a lost cause, it's like the person who said that ninety nine percent of humanity is evil and there's nothing people can do about it. I think saying it's a lost cause is very general because we don't know all the fluffies on this site. no offense to anyone for my comment but, if we knew all the fluffies than we would know which ones to post "I disagree on" but, we don't so, if we don't try what gets accomplished? Nothing.
Re: Sensible People Stand Up By: Birdlover101 / Beginner
Post # 37 Jan 03, 2012
And when I said we don't know all the fluffies, I mean we don't know them all personally?
Re: Sensible People Stand Up By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 38 Jan 03, 2012
Moon, thank you for your lengthy analytical post. I really enjoyed it.
You added another valid point that will help, posting more authentic posts--things we know, believe, and learn. If people do not want to reply to fluffies, they can also help by posting good topics and starting up discussions which can be enjoyed by everyone. Not just informative ones though, but ones that provoke thought. Informative posts are for the newbies. Those are great but experienced people will not find information they already know of as interesting. When people give and give, they get tired. But if we post more engaging topics that we can all enjoy, it will provoke more activity from knowledgeable individuals. That way those who constantly teach and correct will have an entertaining break...something to look forward to when coming to the board. It should increase more activity from experienced magick users.
Instead of repeating ourselves (I know I hate doing so), use your bookmarks. That's what I've been doing, and I notice Scrupulous does too. Post links to other posts. It takes less than a minute to find a bookmark and copy/paste the url.
The point is, we can't get rid of the fluffy posts, but we can counterbalance their presence on the board with our own.
Unlike other posts just complaining about the board's condition, I posted this in order to hopefully get all of your opinions and discuss what we can do as a team. And I am very pleased to see how well this topic is going. I can't respond to all of you, but I do want to say that I appreciate every poster's response. Hopefully we can apply this discussion and make a change in the board.
@yajra Thank you for sharing your perspective and story. I loved this quote " don't grow tired of teaching them and telling them what we believe in.. we are here to help and guide and not to control.. if you grow tired only because of others who are living in their fantasies, and mixing fantasy with magick, what would be the ending line for them? what would be the ending results? if you grow tired and be angry with what they believed in, do you think that it will really guide them for the truth that we are talking here?"
Well said! =)
Patience can run thin, but we do need to consider that these people are "lost" and we cannot control them or what they think, but we can make it clear what we believe and know, and give it our best shot to guide them. We can't force them to change, but we can hope that someday our words will make sense, even if it isn't today.
Re: Sensible People Stand Up By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 39 Jan 03, 2012
@lorthridge, it is good board etiquette not to post off topic in someone's thread. Please post your own topic in the appropriate forum and I'm sure someone will answer your question.
I agree with you WhiteRav3n. I keep on getting mails on how can I be a fairy, mermaid, lycan, etc and its annoying me! Its not the purpose of being a fluffy its the purpose of Hollywood and TV. Even without a TV some might believe and tell others they do exist no matter how many post, comments, articles, etc explain it. Its not the purpose of someone telling them what does or doesn't exist, its the purpose of belief! No one has the ablitiy of hurting someone else religion and belief. No one does because no one knows everything. If we did there would be no purpose of the internet, books, etc. If something does exist I want proof! I'm a type of person who needs proof to believe in some things.
For example: I believe in bigfoot because there is proof that shows they exist. Plus you might find bones of a bigfoot because the Native Americans buried it. President Roosevelt even wrote a book of a in-counter run-in with a bigfoot.
Then theres things that I don't have to see proof, but I can believe in.
For example: I believe in a place called the reverse world which is a place reversed from ours. Today science is starting to believe a universe pararall from us. In the 1990's they made a theory of a big bang happening when these universe touch each other every billon years.
I will not crush one's belief as long as they give facts supporting it. I even try to give facts to my belief. I do not believe in these creature though, but others can. I don't care as long as they give facts! Besides, would you like to be called a fluffy because of your beliefs? I won't because, once again, no one knows everything! Once again I agree with you.