The Plan Is ??

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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 31
I mean, that's all you can do is enjoy life, right? If the war comes, then you won't regret not enjoying life, and if it doesn't, nothing lost.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 32
just practice practice practice. Learn a few new tricks, and stick to your life style for now. Nothing to be getting over excited about. It's not like we are going to war tomorrow morning.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 33
and make up some new tricks, and master old ones
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 34
It still feels closer than 2012 to me. In any case even if their isn't a war we've become nothing but a plague on this planet.. yes, even the 'green' people who eat organic and everything... because organic farms have less yield and etc and use natural fertilizers.

Natural 'disaster's are predicted to be more intense than ever this year. The planet will fight back in any way it knows how.. much like a horse swatting flies from it's rear.. we'll be squashed, and deservedly so.

Listen to the wind one day as it rustles through the trees. Try and hear what it tells you. Most of the time now, it seems like it's screaming in pain.

War or not, humans will be exterminated, and I for one believe most of us need to be. This planet is beautiful but fragile and humans have collectively smashed it and ground it into a fine dust. Before the end of your life time (if you are younger than 20ish) you will definitely see environmental collapse.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 35
There is NO war.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 36
If there is REALLY a war, I think I can lead and fight with those I believe. But unfortunately there is no war. And It takes 4-5 years later. Actually whats the war about?
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 37
it is better to be ready for something that does not come, then not be ready for something that does
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 38
I would love to fight this war win it stop poverty, aids and of course global warming. Unfortunately I do not see it happening I will go about my life but if we have to fight I will be going down kicking and screaming. Just wondering though as anyone else heard the theory we're moving to Mars ?
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 39
i've heard about that, dont think we would make it but...
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 40
I've heard that theory power lol. They are actually planning a manned mission to mars but its a huge undertaking. At least 18 months in space, no gravity, radiation, not a chance in hell for resue. So at this current stage of technology a mass exodose would be very difficult to do lol.

Blessed be LadyO
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