remarks from a moderator

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 31
MTS, if you honestly believe he is being fair after viewing the evidence, you are mentally challenged and shouldn't share an opinion. Luzifer corrected, and the member complained to the Moderator, claiming it was an "attack". The Mod not only showed a sense of elitism when dealing with Luzifer, but did so after Luzifer replied, giving logical reasons for his choice.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 32
I want Luzifer to be mod in stupid mods place. Luzifers middle name isn't biased, he's a middle man, with views and reasons that are backed up.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 33
There are so many people on these forums that could be so much better Mods than what we have. DG, MM, Luzifer, Amelia, Lady O, so many people...
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 34
We should speak to Petrarca about this at some point.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 35
I'd like to add that I'm unsure how the mods have been picked as I'm unsure how it's all worked out. Already there is some upset in who have just been made mods.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 36
KTS, the only reason why you support the moderator is because Luzifer and I made you look like an inexperienced fool on a subject or two. You are upset because you were basically proven wrong. Everyone else who has accepted the critisicm are majority young. And yet you seem to think that we are all being immature when in fact, you are the one acting half his age. All these people here in this forum who are taking an opinion, as of now, are 18, because everyone deserves and opinion, and if you think that only 18 year olds have opinions that count or make any sense, now read them again with the thought that they are all acting much more mature than you are.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 37
sorry kts, but i value truth, and knowledge over all else....and i am slightly deficient in sensitivity. although i do have my bouts....believe it or not....i actually try my hardest while im logged in to be if anyone thinks this is the mean got another think coming.

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 38
dont worry satan, one day we will try and have a psi battle.

it will be quite finesse and control versus your raw power.....cant wait brother.

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 39
This is a very happy day, a day of celebration. Now, all that is left, is Nonook.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 40
Aye dear brother, a psi battle is well on its way. It depends though, whether or not we would be able to get to one another with our energy alone. We are to much alike and our thinking patterns seem to be the same, so now I turn to whoever may be reading this.

Who here thinks that Luzifer will win, or me?
My raw power and sufficient control of such or Luzifers complete control and ability to change his movement in a heartbeat?
Who will win?

I look forward to seeing the votes.
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