Everyone lend my your ear

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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 31
Hey, im all for unity, but don't knock it till you try it, I always say, hahahaha. All im trying to say is that maybe the christians are not your real enemies. Just think about it, don't speek about it, thare has been enough of that and not enough action, hahahahaha.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 32
well have you heard of the time when they tried to ban harry potter books from school because it is to close to witchcraft? if not then here...


yes i know this is not our thing... but still it is part of us. they are still talking about us now days and know we are here. the reason they have done this so no one else well think that witchcraft is good and try it out. they still think that we are devil worshipers or the devil dolls... and yes there can be others that are trying to stop us... but we don't know what or who is it.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 33
That is some ones opinion, not an entire society. Belive me, I have see the world enough time for a army, hahaha. Anyway have you have even thought maybe the one that want us to stop us is us itself, people who have done magick whose lives have been destroyed my the magick that they did, or maybe the Gods that we believe in, hahaha. Think of all questions and answers befor making a concution, hahahaha.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 34
i told a lot of new comers stories of want my friends did... they never told me what really happen... but they never wanted to do magick ever again... it is sad on what they did again...
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 35
Sad, its a sad world we live in. Anyway back to the original reason we are typing this, what is the main idea or plan on how to unit the magick world.
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 36
that there is up to darkked343...
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Re: Everyone lend my your ear
Post # 37
We will see, hahaha.
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