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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 341
I have it around here some place
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: / Novice
Post # 342
mmmmmmmmmmmmm choclate covered Perdu...*licks lips and sharpens nails*
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 343
well darn I seem to have misplaced the manapple spell so sorry
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: / Novice
Post # 344
*foams at the mouth and laughs hysterically"
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
Post # 345
*plants C4 all over this thread and blow it away*

sorry I feel like she***
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 346
you feel like sheep?? how does it feel to be a sheep?

hands Hyena a towel to wipe the foam off her face or a bucket if you prefer :-)
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
Post # 347
Its very cool..better than being stupid human (how is it feel when you are one of them?...does it hurts,burn or itch you?)
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 348
First this thread is for fun. Second don't take everything to seriously. Third I have no idea what it is like to be a stupid human, but from what I have read you certainly do. Do get so uppity because I made a joke out of what you said.

Throws blood filled balloons at everyone!! :-)
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
Post # 349
I know...I was telling joke just like you did...why did you get upset about it,remember you start it?!*_*
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Re: miscellanyandshennannigan
Post # 350
ooohh...blood-filled balloons. I shant ask where the blood came from. I'll just say "I'll take two."
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