Random Comment

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Re: Random Comment
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 361
watches Elmo's head spin into a volcano
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 362
hear it comes *runs and hides* please harm me *grabs holy water and draws a circle with it*
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 363
I don't have problems! I just don't have my cookies!!
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 364
*summons a gay spirit and gives it to nightscape* oh just incace you live *gets metal wals and forms them into a circle around nightscape* have fun NightScape
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 365
*Electrocutes WastedEnergy and dropkicks him down a mountain*
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 366
*digs a hole and escpaesd the gay spirit*
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 367
Hey listen!!!!!!! My hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze. ^_^

*goes to the desert to look for water*
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 368
*flys away* muhaha
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Re: Random Comment
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 369
if i had hair it would look like the hair on a horse

singin in the snow just singin in the snowwwww
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 370
because tonight will be the night that i will fall for over again dont make me change my mind or i wont live to see another day i swear its true
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