
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► Greetings

Re: Greetings
Post # 5
Merry Meet and welcome Necromancy.

I hope you enjoy it here on Spells of Magic and find like minded people who share your views. We are a mixed bunch here with many following the same or similar paths to you.

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Re: Greetings
Post # 6
Well I would like to thank you all for a rather pleasant welcome.
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Re: Greetings
Post # 7
there always is, always will be, Much in a name.

Names define, names shape, and names bind.

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Re: Greetings
Post # 8
Welcome, make your name your own by will intent and drive, enjoy the site ;)
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Re: Greetings
Post # 9
Hey man welcome,Im here to help in necromancy if the help is what you need.Welcome and much propsper to you.
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Re: Greetings
Post # 10
welcome friend and hope you enjoy and get what you looking for prospect to you
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Re: Greetings
Post # 11
I think this site will be of great aid to me, thank you all who have given me a surprisingly warm welcome.
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Re: Greetings
Post # 12
i agree... most people want to practice dark instead of light...
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Re: Greetings
Post # 13
hmm. well thanks..
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Re: Greetings
Post # 14
i know you too lol
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