"the War"

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Re: "the War"
Post # 5
uhh god can destroy the devil- he does not because he is testing us in life, God puts us in a situation, God gives us the good choice, The devil gives us the Bad, God lets us choose. If he didnt want this all God Would Have never made anything, Because he knows everything, and The future and past- EVERYTHING
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Re: "the War"
Post # 6
no, it's cause god knows the balance, good cant exist with out evil, and visa versa, and that's the only reason
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Re: "the War"
Post # 7
and because god is not real
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Re: "the War"
Post # 8
"God is a term"
Its true that Azreal say that Gods are fake.
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Re: "the War"
Post # 9
No, Gods, plural, are not fake, just like Goddesses are not fake. God, singular, is fake.
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Re: "the War"
Post # 10
i refer to the christianity/muslium one mef
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Re: "the War"
Post # 11
ok Azreal.
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Re: "the War"
Post # 12
^_^ I will say my "GOD" is quite real. I ask for things and they appear, i cannot ask for more proof than that.... and yes I am catholic.
Goone, if you believe or not is not really the question that you are asking yourself, -_- I am a time bender so, my time is not being wasted.... ^_^ as a matter of fact I still got the average of 20 to 40 years to go, so I am ok.
I am not being dramatic, my drama is only shown when I cannot find my shoe ( those fairies, one of this days) *_* including my keys to the car.
O_O I am not a teen, I am quite old, and I seemed many things that already happened and are happening and will happen.
I am studying magick terms now, because it many things were bothering me, like having tones of dejavus.....and not only that but knowing some one without ever meeting them.
^_^ I believe you have a good point to give, and that is always good, but please do not offend others since this cause an offensive spiral, that will continue to grow till one stops it.
To say something is "stupid" because you do not understand or believe in is as the same to say you are closed minded, because you do not need to accept the ideas of others to be open minded but to respect them, and that is all. #_# so, if you think this is not real, or it is just a figment of my imagination, please just say it as the most respectable way you can come out with and or stay out of the topic. Each lunatic with his/her own theme.

This war is not the end of the worl, it is one of the many wars are about to strike stronger each time to the human race and their surroundings.
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Re: "the War"
Post # 13
In your oppinnoin God is Fake, In mine he is real. So that is why our perspectives differ. I dont care, We will see on the last day. I believe in all deities, but i believe in them as creation not Gods, I believe the real God is God. And if you even tried to understand the God i believe in you would go insane, so i dont try to understand, God is just God.
Best wishes with your "war"

goone out
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Re: "the War"
Post # 14
I'm sorry but I don't understand your motive Goone. What was the point of this? If you don't believe it, you don't have to, however, that doesn't mean you should talk like this. I'm not sure if you mean to or not but, your attitude in this thread seems really negative to me, almost challengeing. Please don't be on of those who starts trouble. People have their own beliefs and they have that right. If they believe the war will happen, that's their affair, just don't say they're wrong, they may not be. Like you said, only God knows the future, so why do you say it wont?
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