I am Devlin

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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 41
yeah this is great...^_^
i just hope stupid people who like to argue stay away..
so....what other things do you guys love to do?
besides riddles that is
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 42
Well I like to write poetry and play my instruments. What about the rest of you guys? ^-^
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 43
I'm addicted to anime and video games! haha :D
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 44
I've been told that you should never buy yourself a Tarot deck; has anyone else been told that? I bought myself one (way back before I knew I ought not) and I never did find myself drawn to it. But I buy them for others, and I have a friend who has a very large collection of them. Learning to use different decks seems to have greatly helped her, but some just never come clear to her or are too small or large for her, and she just sets them aside to enjoy without using. But she loves every single deck and it's a joy to send her new ones.

I found myself really feeling guilty about not studying Tarot hard enough (or not committing to taking the time to do so). But in looking back, I laugh at myself. We each have paths, and mine is simply not Tarot or Astrology. I let the symbols get in the way and clutter up what I hear or see.

I have great respect for those who read Tarot, runes, and astrology. There is a lot of time commitment and dedication required!
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 45
I like anime too lol

I have heard about that, how you shouldn't buy your own tarot cards..I dunno why though you wouldn't be able to though. Yeah thats true everyone has their own path lol. Do yo know what your is or are you still searching?
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 46
In general, my path is instinctive. I do some dream interpretation and often help guide people to finding their paths or learning to portray outwardly the wonderful spirits that they carry within them. I sometimes see before me the answer (a few times in words, as if they were typed on a page) and sometimes hear responses to my requests for guidance. I tend to just ask the goddess or guides, and am given the answer, but sometimes I find that in sitting quietly and typing, I have written things that I didn't know before I read them back. I assume that I'm channeling in some way, and I thank Her for it, as I am quite sure the answers I'm given aren't coming from within me.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 47
I erred in my answer to you, though. I will forever be searching, I believe. Right now, I am searching for the path that will help me hear the dragon in my life. I am able to make requests of him, and he's always agreed so far, to take on the battles I've asked him to handle. One was to help a woman who was trying to regain custody of her children who the state of Florida in its idiocy had taken from her (that was a spectacular battle and of course the children were returned to their parents!) Currently, he's working to help my Celtic mentor, who is terminally ill.

I think that he is warning me that when she passes, he will no longer let me sit on my thumbs, and that I'd better get on the stick and learn to communicate with him. This is why I came to this forum. I am reading books about shamanism and have found a small drumming circle that I look forward to working with soon, hopefully in order to find myself more astrally aware.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 48
Thats cool ^-^. Maybe you can help interpret some of my dreams lol.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 49
I like to look at them to but I do do Tarot reading I think there fun. And I too have answers appear in different ways then Tarot I don't see them in dreams(my dreams are more like random moments in the future that usually have NO meaning AT ALL haha) but I see them in the elements that surround us. Mostly the wind and fire rarely anything else.

P.S. I would LOVE to learn to read runes! And I think your not suppose to buy store Tarot is probably because it's lost it's own mystic purpose if it's be made on a conveyor belt or something like that. I would like to speak with my dragon or any other spirits that linger about me.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 50
P.S.S What kind of anime do you like to watch?
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