The Plan Is ??

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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 41
Ah well there's always Pluto :D I do think it would be quite amusing to see us all go up into space though.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 42
Whether you believe in a spiritual war or not doesn't matter so much, the fact remains that there will be some sort of conflict that will end in a lot of death, be it a new world war or terrorism etc...
I may not technically believe satanic armies will come marching up from hell but I do believe without a doubt that SOMETHING is coming up, with my reasoning the same as ever- we're meant to be exterminated, we're parasites.

People in the world starve and we have people with the balls to b*tch about how there isn't enough organic food. There isn't enough of ANY kind of food and until EVERYONE has so much food that they have to choose not to stuff their fat rear with anything but organic or veggies etc... then nobody has the right to b*tch about it.
Think about it for a moment. Most people don't have CHOICES when it comes to what, or even if, they get to eat every day. People here get choices, and they B*TCH about them because THEY AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH.
Go to africa and starve for a week please. Also you'll probably catch a number of diseases from anything you consume without sterilizing it first.

Even with just one example it's easy to see that humans are a horrid parasite with some severe and mass mental defects. Most of us simply don't deserve to survive, evolution has stopped for most and nobody ever makes true progress we just get more concerned with superficial crap than evolutionary progress.
ex; In animal species, the strong fight for breeding rights. In humans, anything and everything (yes, I did say things) is guaranteed the right to reproduce, (except in China where you can only have one kid and you need a license I think. ) You can have an incurable contagious disease like herpes or HIV and still reproduce, even though those diseases could easily be eradicated if we simply took all the people that had it and separated them (p*ssy way)and kept them from transmitting it anymore.

If you want to be a successful species, there are hard choices that need to be made. Humans are unwilling to make those choices and continue to be more superficial than anything else.

This 'war' could simply be a string of intense natural disasters- it's predicted to be bad this year- or it could be hell raising up like everyone says, or just some kook going crazy with bombs-

The end result is the same, death, and I believe if there is any higher force they probably want a good 95% of the population just gone.

We are unworthy of the chance we were given.
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