The Brownie Game

CovenNatural Magick ► The Brownie Game
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Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 41

Well, as here in California many of our birds are protected, that means their feathers are too. So I tend to buy turkey feathers from the craft store near us in different colors. Also peacock feathers are legal to own here so I have used them in workings as well.

As far as the turkey feathers go, I like the dyed black feathers best as they represent to meCrow and Raven. I also like the feathers when not dyed at all. If I were to use the dyed ones I work with the meaning of the color, and decide what I want each feather to represent. Once decided, I dedicate through ritual work each feather to their own symbolism. So say I have a dyed black turkey feather and I want to connect it and dedicate it to Raven, I would then create a ritual where I can ask Raven if I may connect His energy with the feather in hand. If yes, then I use that particular feather as a feather connected to Raven from there on out.

When I use peacock feathers, I tend to use them for "third eye" work or along with protection. I see the eye spot on the feather as either a representation of the "third eye" or sometimes even a representation of the "evil eye". I also work with the traits associated with Peacock when using this type of feather. Those are my own connections to the feather, you may have different associations, but this is how I work with them :)

Once the feathers are dedicated I use them for many things. Representations of specific birds in ritual work, for moving smoke to cleanse, adding them to foci or tools like wands, staffs, etc.

Can someone tell me more about Witch's Ladders?

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 42

I have some good links for you that can help! I want to make one to be like a roseary prayer beads and another one to attach to my scrying mirror and hand upside down. For ingredients you can use feathers, bones, beads, crystals, etc. I was planning to make mine from yarn but you can also use rope and such. The number of knots you use will depend on what you want to do with it of course.


Tell me some interesting spirit animal traits of cats. Any breed wild or domestic. :)

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 43

Some of the keywords when looking for domestic Cat symbolism are:

  • Looking after yourself
  • Relaxation and meditation
  • Self-love, self-worth and protection
  • Taking time out for yourself
  • Independence
  • Intuition
  • Personal Power
  • Magick

This is from the source:

For myself, domestic Cat symbolism has some of the following meanings, and the following is all in my experience. One part is related to cat behavior, they are naturally aloof and choose their interactions with others carefully. They are intuitive and show us ways to be selective in choosing who is worth interacting with. Cats are clever and curious, they show us how to think in an unconventional way when addressing problems within our own lives. Cats are also watchful and independant, and agile and graceful when dealing with most situations they find themselves in.

Can someone please tell me more about using Dice for Divination?

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 44

Well like using a deck of playing cards for cartromancy you assign your own meanings to different numbers. I would do so based off how you associate certain numbers of course. Like for me seven is lucky and might mean wish. Three reminds me of my wife as it is her favorite number. It could also mean there will be a "third wheel". So much like oracle cards it can be vague but at the same time the more free range interpretation can help you come to deeper conclusions I feel. You can also incorperate numerology like life path numbers and all that junk too! I also have this really cool Hellenic story about Hermes and dice I want to share with you!!

"Apollo presented his young friend with his own golden shepherd's staff, taught him the art of prophesying by means of dice, and Zeus made him his own herald, and also of the gods of the lower world. According to the Homeric hymn"

How do you concencrate your tools? How do you choose what materials you will use? How do you visualize the energy you put into them?

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 45

How do you concencrate your tools? How do you choose what materials you will use? How do you visualize the energy you put into them?

I tend to consecrate my tools by passing them through incense or other types of smoke, and asking my Deity to bless each tool. Once I feel that my Deity has decided to help me to consecrate said tool, I often will leave the tool on my Deity's altar overnight or for as long as it seems it should be there and thank my Deity profusely for the help. Some tools never leave my altar except when they are in use. For example I have a khukuri knife that I use as my athame which stays on my altar unless being used.

I choose the material for my tools by the use they will be for. So say I want to make a wand for the purpose of directing energy when cleansing. I would use materials that would help with that, I would choose an appropriate wood, like Birch, and maybe use pine oil to put on it and maybe pass it through some sage smoke, maybe attach a stone/crystal to it etc. before using it.

One way I visulize the energy I put into my tools is by moving energy, normally from an elemental energy, through me and into said tool. So say I use the Earth as what I draw the main energy from, I would visualize it going up my feet and legs, to my torso and up through and above my head and crown. Then I would visualize the energy moving through from the Earth to me, then through my arms and fingers into the tool. That way I do not tend to get super tired afterwards. Of course I thank the Earth for letting me move the energy from it to me and to the tool.

Next question:

How do you personally raise energy for a ritual or spell? Do you use only your own energy? Do you draw that energy from something else? How do you visualize the energy you raise while in use?

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 46

I use my energy as the primary resource but I may also incorperate my spouses as well. Stones having their own vibrations can help amplify energy. I believe fire can as well so candles are good for that. For visualization, it depends on what I am doing. So for shielding, I invision my shield gold with butterflies. For lesser banishing, it is light blue flames. I channel more masculine energy for lesser banishing in a fire bender type stance. For shielding, I find it to be more soft feminine energy. I do incorperate small bits of pop culture paganism like a stance or a saying since some resonate with me as a gamer/otaku.

For mirror scrying, what are some things that help you personally? So many books and articles have different tips. So which do you find work best for you? Then, in a more unconventional way, are there any things you thought to do that helped not found in books?

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 47

Well, first off my favorite site for information and tips on using a black mirror to scry is here:

For me the set up is important. I get the right chants on, I turn down the lights, and I cast my circle. Then I lay out my tools, such as crystals and herbs and bones and shells on a black blanket. Lastly I place my mirror on the blanket.

Now I know traditionally a candle is used when scrying with black mirrors, but I actually find it distracting. I prefer to stare into the dark, void of lght that is the surfce of my mirror, and open my "internal eyes" or my "third eye" for lack of a better term.

I start by doing visualization excercises while looking into the mirror. There are some described in the article I linked to above, but normally I pick an easy object to visualize, like a ball that is a single color. I work my way from that up to more complicated objects. Once I feel warmed up, I clear my inner eye from what I was working on visualizing. Then I look into the black void of my mirror and allow the information to come to me. or more like I fully open my mind to the divination so that I can see the information or message that is already there.

Next question:

For those that grow their own herbs and flowers; What are the basics of gardening? What do you plant and what time of the year do you plant it? How do you make sure the plant gets the right amount of light? How do you nourish the plant? What fetalizer do you use if any? Any other tips and tricks?

Re: The Brownie Game
Post # 48


  • Read the back of the seed packet.
  • Google it or look on Witchipedia under the propagation section.
  • I usually use whatever is cheapest for soil and fertalizer.
  • However, sometimes I use potting mix specifically for seedings or growing plants.
  • Fertalizer I use either the little pump one or sticks but I also use the powder mix you measure using measuring spoons and spray on.
  • I fertalize once a month in summer and once every two or three in the colder half of the year. Summer can just be harsh for them.
  • I plant whatever I want unless the seed packet says otherwise...then I pick the next prettiest one.
  • I ignore the season thing that says not to plant in winter because Arizona and California don't get actual winter so it doesn't matter.
  • If it's raining a lot throw a tarp securely over them so it'll run off. Some plants like succulants are picky, they are an indoor plant and do not take kindly when you try to put them outside with the other ruffians.
  • I personally prefer putting my herbs in a garden bed retangle thingy. Then I put them on a small table that is easy to move and keep them inside. This way they ear more hygenic as birds can't get to them.
  • You have to rinse herbs before drying them but still. Poision plants I put outside...Fuck with my plants bird. Go ahead and have a snack, I dare you.
  • With watering, usually just make sure the soil is damp. Just feel the top layer with your fingers. Don't drowned it and don't let it get super dry and crusty. Even visually you can tell it's too dry when it gets light and cracks. Keep it blackish.
  • Most potted plants need to be able to drain. Be smart, pop out the bottom part or use a chizzle and hammer or knife and hammer to get the designated hole in there...Do it BEFORE you put in the soil and plant...Not like I did that and made my husband fix it or anything...ah ha ha ha. >.>;;


Tell me a Goddess you are fond of that is not your primary patron. Then tell me some of the things you like about her and how it is you began learning about her.

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