Portal to fictional plane

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Portal to fictional plane

Re: Portal to fictional plane
By: / Novice
Post # 6
Interesting idea. Walt Disney created Oswald the Rabbit which was 'stolen' by Warner Brothers [copyright laws in those days were different] so he was forced to make a new one when he started his own studio. If memory serves it was originally Mortimer Rat but his wife suggested a mouse. Anyway, the point of my ramblings is the mind can be a powerful thing and the universe you speak of is in our heads. Over time many people loose that creative spark. It's not gone, you just don't use that part as much anymore.

Perhaps there are other universes, planes, dimensions, or whatever you wish to call it, but the universe of imagination is simply our mind trying to entertain. Today people read books or watch movies, but those ideas came from someone's creative mind. But, your theory, so long as you don't walk around claiming you're from another universe, whatever.
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
i love your thinking! it could be possible, because in some theory, there are infinite possible universes and planes and timelines and etc

i love your idea :) you clearly are smart, what inspired you to post this! :)
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
Post # 8
This does sound a bit too fluffy, Brysing, but your comment sounded slightly rude to this person.

I feel like your theory is a little stretched out there due to the psychological want of these things to exist. If Dexter existed, that'd be pretty cool, but sadly those things belong in fiction and that's the magic of the imagination. What we imagine cannot exist in some cases, especially like this.

But maybe the idea of the dimensions can make it possible. If you have an OBE, you can probably imagine them to exist on that plane and they will become real to you. Interesting, to say the least.
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 9
I wasn't being rude. I was complimenting the poster on his imagination. With that sort of Mind he could be a great writer.
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
Otherkin, I do not "bash people out", unless they are writing ridiculous nonsense; or writing their beliefs as though they are facts!
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
Post # 11
Why do people always have problems with moderators? They wouldn't be moderators if they truly did insult everyone.

Anyways. This would be amazing to do so! But sadly it's on my fluff list. Really.
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
Post # 12
there is a spell on this website to travel to other worlds its been tested but now it only has 3 stars the reason being most humans can not travel.
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
Post # 13
even i wish that to but still reality is reality.but in some of the stories such as alice in the wonderland, when she grew suddenly big & suddenly small due to drinking & eating, it was actually she was in different astral levels,these are the small things that author put into books,but nobody realize these little facts.
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
Post # 14
People just don't know how to take it,and actually people don't hate moderators.They think everyone gag for anything.I would know becausei been on this site since 2010.Therefore I met a lot people that got gaged over silly stuff.(I'm not saying it was silly I'm just stating what most said)
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Re: Portal to fictional plane
By: / Beginner
Post # 15
fluffy or not

i like him, hes very vivid in imagination! and great ideas must come from great minds!
Strange ideas are like birds- if it is too different then it has no ground, or support by others. to soar the brave, bold, and stubborn must take it, and fall with it till it learns how to fly!

moderators are quite nice, and very knowledgable. but we can treat equally. no... bad word, with "justice" giving a equal amount ruins the work they give, and the years spent to master. we treat them according to their skill fairly, but that doesn't mean we are nothing. we can ask questions and no be afraid, or speak up :) they understand :D we are human after all
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