I would agree with the lack of knoledge in the site JOS. Some covens on this site have no talk orders implemented regarding that site in order to aid in protecting members and the young from going there. If a user posts information from that site or promotes it, the user can be kicked from a coven and the posts are deleted. We don't allow that site to be mentioned. There was also a blog (I believe)began by the site owner that condoned underage sexual behaviors.
I would throw my weight behind the general attitudes I've encountered behind the JoS as well. Beyond the alarming, neo-nazi sentiments, they also frequently misconstrue things to create their own facts regarding their faith so as to make it appear to have a much longer, storied nature.
JoS also has terrible methods of magick that will get you hurt faster than Koetting's books. It's so-called spiritually enlightening information is no better than conspiracy theory and has absolutely no factual holding.
My advice to you if you really want to become a Satanist is to discover for yourself who (by the name of Satan) you wish to actually honor and worship. If you do your homework, you'll realize that it isn't clear cut. Then you can go from there. "Satan" isn't a being, it's a human made title to represent temptation. The one with the title isn't evil, but is believed to test people. But in many other cultures, there is a "Trickster" not a tempter. If you don't want to be associated with Judeo-Christian religion, than I suggest finding your "Satan" in ancient mythology and begin working with that particular deity.
Check out the song "Call me Satan" by Omnia and listen to the lyrics and you'll see what I mean. ;)
Hadit.93 Morphine even those idiots have a few good things that can be borrowed from them you just have to seperate the wheat from the chaff as it where.
Great discusion. Satanism is dictated by men,here on earth. It is not even a religion. Just live to satisfy all your lusts and there you go whatever force drives you to do that,that is 'satan'. But thats not what interests me with this discusion. People the jos is -at the overview- a very ridiculous site. You just need to have bit of intelligence and comon sense to actualy see the whole purpose of that site.i do not recomend it to anyone for one might be lost for eternity. In truth (anyone with knowledge knows this) the founder of that site is one of the most knowledgable and inteligent people here on earth. Read her views on energy, the soul, aura, elements and you will see this. In closing i am not satanist and i do not believe in the existence of 'satan' whether its the christian concept or not.