holy bible

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Re: holy bible
Post # 51
Vari..You make my head hurt,lol never have I seen anyone pack so much information in such a small answer.As far as predictions from Revelation there are many that can be construed to mean different things.One that is seen now as the most confirming is Rev:11 8-11 This basically tells of the last 2 prophets that are finally killed and their bodies left in the street fo 3 and 1/2 days and the whole world sees and rejoices all at once.Never before has it been possible for something to happen on one side of the earth and everyone everywhere see it all at the same time.Now as we have seen lately with the wars and other things,we can see what happens somewhere else almost instantly.So many would say that this has now been fulfilled
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Re: holy bible
Post # 52
I find it hard to believe that people who thought the earth was flat would be able to ( without details of course ) predict the world would be able to witness such things.

I'm just sayin'. They had no clue of the other continents, no clue the sun didnt revolve around us, no clue that dinosaur bones were beneath their toes....but could predict television.

Clearly up for interpretation IMO =)
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Re: holy bible
Post # 53
I dont think it matters with how they viewed the world,as much as the Revelator clearly saw all the nations viewing the scene all at the same time.At a time when it took weeks to travel a couple of hundred miles,he clearly said that all nations and tounges viewed at the same time.The bible was last re written in the 1600s for king James and that was what it was translaated to say then,and the world was thought to be flat then as well.I agree that its open for interpratation,but that is what was said
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Re: holy bible
Post # 54
Imagination is the key to all of it.
I had a dream....where the world stop circulating the way it is... it start going from south to north.. instead of east to west... most humans were wiped out.. and a new evolution came to be.. ^_^ I had a dream where.. half of the moon crash into the earth.... ^_^ I had a dream... ( I am sounding like Martin Luther King Jr.) *_* point stated; it is that prophecies are doomed to happen and most of them started probably in a dream.. probably an idea... and as any will agree and most say.. it is all up to interpretation... but things tend to look similar.. for example.. : They say the world is in crisis.... but the world has always being in crisis. Hunger has always existed.. death is inevitable.. earthquake happen all the time..-_-... crisis every where...
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Re: holy bible
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 55
A prophecy is one person's vision of what may come to pass. No prophecy is set in stone.

Which came first the chicken or the egg. Did god prophesize the chicken and then it manifested inside the egg? If we see the end product do we then hatch the chicken? Or was the egg always a chicken?

I think the reason that some of the prophecies of the bible have come to pass is because thought can manifest into form.

The bible is a book of fables, a fable is a myth or legend. All myths and legends have a bit of truth because the stories came from somewhere.

Was there a garden of Eden, probably maybe it was on earth may be it wasn't. Adam is a generic term for man in hebrew and eve means life. Was there a great flood? Well several ancient texts contain a flood story. The first dates from the 2nd millennium BC and is called the "Epic of Gilgamesh". The "bible" on the other hand is less than 4,000 years old. As for the countless other stories they may or may not hold a bit of history, that is why it is call faith.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 56
Kts.. You said it better than me.. ^_^
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Re: holy bible
Post # 57
the bibel has MEANINGS and some morals to go by , it's actually ment diffenr'ty but even cholics and christians miss interpret the bibel.
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Re: holy bible
Post # 58
kts, obviously the chicken came first.. the egg was probably an adaptation (for birth) so the hen could find worms for the hatchling/ chicks.
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Re: holy bible
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 59
Sorry but science says it was the egg.

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Re: holy bible
Post # 60
Oh you meant eggs as in ANY egg..
I was assuming CHICKEN eggs..
But for the chicken egg vs the chicken, it's obviously the chicken, because there would be nothing to manufacture the egg's shell from cells, because cells... don't grow up in such a shape.
Obviously if its Any Egg vs Chicken then obviously the eggs, as we can see in cell reproduction, and in humans, that eggs were obviously from some form cellular reproduction..
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