i am hurt and offended

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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 51
Sir_Prize.. I am proud to say that I am part of that crap.. as you call it.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 52
PrinceZuko: Read Relavations and Ezkiel
Relavation 21:8

I have no conflict with you guys. I just want to suggest that you read those passages, so you may understand why some people dislike you.

I personally don't dislike you, I personally don't care what religion you are. As long as you are a good person.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
By: / Novice
Post # 53
Bible is just a collection of stories for those who don't take Bible serious.
but it contains morals and even answers to all ur questions. but u have to look deep into each sentences.
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 54
Well, the way I think of this is. Magick is a skill, and Christianity is a religion. It's the same for a Buddhist writer. Buddhism is a religion and writing is a skill. TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Wicca is a religion about Magick. There! It's like why a Muslism believer can use a computer. Same thing goes for why a Christian can use magick. (By the way, Magick is a action. So by saying I'm a Magick, it is a false use of this word.)
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 55
Hell's bells!!! vari... know monkey.... monkeys are evolving, i heard they really like the site "spellsofmagic.com'... and also i heard that they like the word 'CRAP' SO Much that they can't resist saying it again and again.
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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 56
I have to disagree with you Acer.. O_O
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Re: i am hurt and offended
Post # 57
"Sir_Prize.. I am proud to say that I am part of that crap.. as you call it. "
["yeah i guess that is understandable

"The bible is crap and anyone who defends it is part of that crap"


that hurt my feelings right there... "
It hurts you because you're attached to it, and also that you don't have enough faith to turn others into Christians.] - me
That was Anita_fire, vari, not me =O
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Re: i am hurt and offende
Post # 58
O_O Ohhhhhhhhhhh I got it wrong.. in either case, that is all I have to say for it.. -_- this topic is not that interesting... just amusing..
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