I am Devlin

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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 51
I'd be glad to try to interpret for you, but let me make sure that I first state that I don't use symbolism. I either do hear and understand something in a dream that it's trying to give you, or I don't. Once in a while I find myself blocked and thinking that there's something else that I haven't "seen", and I'll go out and look up a symbol. But generally, I just have feelings. Often I will give a first interpretation, get back some feedback which hadn't been given when the dream was first relayed, and will find myself with the rest of the interpretation. If you decide to ask for one, we could start a thread for one or you can just PM me.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 52
well I actually read anime lol but I have read Angel Sanctuary, Cain Saga, Godchild, DNAngel...oh and Fruits Baskets or something lol

Thank you..We could try a thread and hope it doesn't end up like some of the others..
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 53
Oh I'm sorry I missed one of your posts...you have dragon companion..or is he your animal spirit guide? Thats cool that your joining a small drumming circle. It sounds interesting.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 54
... well, nightsrain, I have a dragon in my life, it's true. Whether he's a guide, a totem, or a companion, I am unsure, but I do know that unless I get busy and figure out how to work with him, he's gonna leave. So I am searching, and feel more than a small amount of concern about whether I'm up to it. I've been lazy. Now I have to get serious.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 55
I hope that you find out how to work with him. that would be nice ^-^
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 56
I LOVE FRUITS BASKET!!! And I know that some people think it's "girly" but I am more "girly" than "manly" but I'd like to more manly...:( haha but that's another one of my weird things
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 57
I love Fruits Basket too XD. LOL ^-^. So what has everyone been up to?
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 58
Literally watching DAYS worth of anime and stopping occasionally stopping to eat sleep and browse between episodes.(I'm so behind on schedule!)

And you?
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 59
I've actually been reading about runes and computerin lol
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 60
Cool! I should do that too but I have SOOOO much anime hahaha. O have you ever heard of an anime called Cromartie High School!?!?!?!

If not I suggest you look it up!(The Japanese one with subs, personally the English one takes away some of the funny, for me at least.
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