The down side would be this. Just as it will be alot easyer for you to interact with the magickal world, it will be alot easyer for the magickal world to interact with you. Meaning that, if you got magickly attacked by a spirit or practioner you would be effect alot more that someone who is completly blind to the metaphysical and magickal world.
Re: Advice for beginners By: Brysing Moderator / Adept
Post # 11 Jan 17, 2015
As there is nothing on the profile of the original poster, how do we know that he has the slightest competence to give advice to beginners? He doesn't even give his age; he could be a 13 year old beginner himself!
Actually, if you are a beginner, I recommend reading through the FAQs to understand what is and what isn't, how things work, through question. It is just as if you had a mentor; you ask and receive an answer.
After that, start dividing your time for articles. Then, once your understanding of magick divides you from real and fantasy, I think you would benefit from trying spells so you may learn on your experience. Experience will name you wise. Shall any spell fail, log it in a notebook, and be descriptive with the instructions and steps your have partaken in, so next time you may eliminate these steps or modify them for a more prevalent outcome.
Kind of old post, don't you think. But I will add this. Beginners, in forums, General Info section, there are 2 I like to point to; Vasics Expanded and Starting Out. Read, study, learn, then practice. Learn how to before actually trying anything.
I understand these forus are great resources, but I recommend starting with books by renowned authors from different disciplines, unless you have already decided uon the disciline you want to explore. The older the books, the better in most cases.
Avoid any new-age quackery, and stick to information written by actual initiates of their tradition, not folk who try to piece things together on their own without guidance from those who know better- it is usually a case of the blind leading the blind.
Beginners make excuses "School, friends, facebook" take them somewhere else. I began exploring magick around the age of 11 or 1 and have never been fluffy because I understood it required reading and dedication. In short magick is not a game, it is a subject which long hours are going to be devoted in terms of studying.
One would also hope, if you use magic as a spiritual path rather than a quick fix, that it will also take up many hours of practice.
One third reading, two thirds practice. Where to start? Figure it out on your own! I did, and I am sure most of the older people here did too. I didn't get anything handed to me on a plate, and you should not expect it either. Spoonfeeding helps nobody.
Re: Advice for beginners By: sunshinerain / Beginner
Post # 15 Jan 19, 2015
an other pop up zombie forum... :)
beginners should use common logic and common sense. if its something from a movie, or breaks the laws of science, id think again.
also take your time, magick is slow, but sure. it will come
read, read and read!!! this site has so much information! its very good, and it branches to other sites and videos thanks to other members, also- articles! i love articles! :)
practice! self explaintory... start small end big :D
just so you all know- i was a fluff once. im evidence that a fluff can learn. so its ok to mess up, just realize your mistakes, fix them, and move on :)