What Country Are YOU From

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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 601
i'm from holland.
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Re: What Country Are YOU
Post # 602
Living in Minnesota USA
But I'm 100% Italian (my parents r from there)
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 603
new zealand , lol nice to know people are on thids site from the east
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Re: What Country Are YOU
Post # 604
am i like the only one from england?
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 605
Nah, theres a bunch of others too. Most of the people on this site are from the U.K
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 606
Originally from Russia but reside in UK:)
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What Country Are YOU From
Post # 607
I'm fr0m Philippines..
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 608
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Re: What Country Are YOU From
Post # 609
I am from the midwest in North america, now I am in Florida. Im glad to meet you guys :D
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Re: What Country Are YOU
Post # 610
I am from India
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