A question about a ring

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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 8
I could probably put a good luck enchamtment on it or I could maybe use it as a seal to store power and energy in
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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 9
aglaya if you wish to get rid of that ring it seems there are a few willing to take, one of us or keep it if you like, just dont get rid of it to where no one can have it
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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 10
But I think Azreal would have a betta use for it
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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 11
trav your one of the few people i respect highly on this site. your as just a good choice as i am
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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 12
Find out what makes it give you bad luck and if you can paint over it with gold and give it back to the person who gave it to you make it look diffrent so she will take it back but make sure that you put a worse bad luck curse on it for pay back.
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Re: A question about a ri
Post # 13
I say dunk it in saltwater with a bit of baking soda for three to seven days, in an area exposed to both sunlight and moonlight... and then cover with smoke from a burning sage plant? If it's still giving bad vibes after that, I'd throw it... :-|
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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 14
no dont destroy its evil it can be put to good use
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Re: A question about a ri
Post # 15
Thank you guys. Ferari I am not really sure what made her and it really does not interest me. I do not want to do her harm. I will do as Ravyne said and then I will send it to Azreal (if you still want it, and you could give it to someone who will appreciate it and wear it with joy) Deal?
Thanks again
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Re: A question about a ri
Post # 16
My first spell - it worked. :) I know its an easy one. And I do believe it was the spell that made it happen. I could not find the ring and i searched and searched and I really wanted to find it. And then decided to try one lost and found spell, so I kept looking for the ring while chanting and the strange thing was I had a really clear picture of the ring in my mind, or not exactly - in front of my eyes kind of or something in between. can't explain. But in less then a minute I found it and I looked there before I just could not see it.
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Re: A question about a ring
Post # 17
deal i mail you my mailing adress
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