totem animals

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Re: totem animals
Post # 9
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Re: totem animals
Post # 10
how do i find my totem animal becuz i cant meditate long becuz of my ADD so if u can help then that would be wonderful
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Re: totem animals
Post # 11
Nobody realy has a.d.d its just a way the government and doctors can make some money by perscribing synthetic cocaine pills (adderoll)
If you reely think this then maybe you should meditate more often it helps relax and calm and it may show results of this "a.d.d" going away perhaps
Blessed be
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Re: totem animals
Post # 12
i meditate everyday but my mind cant focus and they dont presrcibe me pill they did but i will neva take them but yea i can really focus im always distracted
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Re: totem animals
Post # 13
in what way trav =)?
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Re: totem animals
Post # 14
my mind jus slips away and thinks about sumthin else like i cant clear my mind cuz everytime im near clearin it thought always pop uo
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Re: totem animals
Post # 15
yeah i know wat you mean. it takes a lil gettin used to really. just watever comes to mind let it fly by and dont let it disturb your concentration.
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Re: totem animals
Post # 16
There is alot on finding ur animal guide on , wrote it myself =D
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Re: totem animals
Post # 17
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Re: totem animals
Post # 18
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