Knowledge System-Opinions

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Re: Knowledge System-Opinions
Post # 81

I couldn't careless about it because some poeple have psychological blocks such as: trust issues and paranoia or even inferiority complexes so unless you are one with that person you shall never truly know all of whichthey know

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Re: Knowledge System-Opinions
Post # 82

I personally don't like the Knowledge System at all..for one, it should be optional. Also, it's just another lable to put on people, like "Newbie". I for one also know many people that have been labled "Beginner" when it is very clear that they are more knowledgable than that, including myself. How is the site to know howmuch you know or how serious you take your practice? It wouldn't, couldn't. It's just more lables and judgment that no one but the "perfect people" want to have forced onto their profile.

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Re: Knowledge System-Opinions
Post # 83

Everyone follows their own unique path. You should know where you are spiritually at. This is just a label, and this system can be really helpful indeed( fluffies-part). Do you want to take this seriously? It's your call. Simple as that.

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