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Re: help!
Post # 10
hmm to kill a demon is not easy,there are ways,the best one i heard is to psi/ki duel him,demons are like strong rouge constructs,just strike him whit some sort of psi/attack
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Re: help!
Post # 11
Can you honestly say that will work? I mean, some spirits are an embodyment of the fear you feel inside yourself... Can you really fight fear?
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Re: help!
Post # 12
well you cant fight fear whit psi attack
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Re: help!
Post # 13
but some demons have ther own energy(most of them) so thats mean you can overload,drain..(attack)
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Re: help!
Post # 14
hey i also need help too.
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Re: help!
Post # 15
do you wish me to look for a way to fight them for you? if so there is a spell called XILQA XILQA BESA BESA. try burning a white candle and chanting:
Arise! Arise! Go far away! Go far away!
Be shamed! Be shamed! Flee! Flee!
Turn around, go, arise and go far away!
Your wickedness may rise to heaven like unto smoke!
Arise and leave my body!
From my body, depart in shame!
From my body flee!
Turn away from my body!
Go away from my body!
Do not return to my body!
Do not come near my body!
Do not approach my body!
Do not throng around my body!
Be commanded by Shammash the Mighty!
Be commanded by Enki, Lord of All!
Be commanded by Marduk, the Great Magician of the Gods!
Be commanded by the God of Fire, your Destroyer!
May you be held back from my body!
It won't kill us but it should stop us
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Re: help!
Post # 16
Demons are generally born that way aren't they? And not all demons are in human form, some are not solid objects like ghosts making them very difficult to hit with a sword:)
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Re: help!
Post # 17
I just want to throw this out there as i read two things that i wasn't sure whether to laugh at or be disgusted. All demons and i repeat all are spawns of hell itself and in thus evil. Only a celestial being no im not saying an angel im saying a emissary of light is good there is no good demons they are not called demons. Then comes the fact that demons are deceivers and have always been labeled as such. I myself ma pacted with a few demons so i am not preaching im holier than you but i am saying that demons are demons there is no good in them. They are the deceivers placed here to lead us astray from any plans of good to help others. They strive to help them selfs and nothing more other than whatever they serve if anything. And there are beings that walk the line between good and evil and they are simply known as grays to me and not demons. They are neither good or evil so they are enigmas and along with demons most times they need to be avoided.
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Re: help!
Post # 18
Also one cannot become a demon one can be possessed by a real demon or even gain the powers of one by pacting as i have. They cannot ACTUALLY become one until death and rebirth ((be it ritual or otherwise)) but that is then no longer the person but a demon. Also demons are not on the level of ghosts in any way a ghost is simply a servant or an unwilling soul and rarely have a will of their own. Demons and ghost are way different and ghosts can be harmed by swords as well just certain runs/incantations/blessings what have you must be put on them before hand. and on the note of harming demons i do it myself but personally demons are dangerous and if you are to take part in the war you would be best to just simply sit back and be of help how you know. Fighting demons is hard and something best left to those who know how already. We can speak in private if you wish to presume this course of action.
Also a side note to all who wish to fight demons. They quite often do not kill someone physically but mentally damage or scar someone so be warned. Physical damage is only the surface. ((no pun intended))
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Re: help!
Post # 19
i dont know about demons me and my friends have been attcked by one that chaneled our fears and used them against us it was really scary so are demons evil or what
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