karma questions

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karma questions
Post # 1
I was dating a guy happily with no magic but his ex keeps using Santisma Muerte on him to bring him back to her, very successfully. I began using spells as well to bring him back to me, never Santisima, but several come to me, return a lover, and attraction spells. I now realize that even though they were done with good intentions out of love, I was still controlling and manipulating him and now I have to worry about karma coming back to bite me. What can I expect (examples) and is there anything I can do to lessen the blow other than just tough it out? We had a great relationship and I now understand that I was hurting more than helping and just hope I haven't ruined it for good.
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Re: karma questions
Post # 2
do not worry, look, if you want to lesson the blow, im guessing that maybe, doing things to attract good karma will lesson the attraction of bad karma
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Re: karma questions
Post # 3
karma works on a bigger scale than just 1 life... you may end up with some serious rammification in this life... but either way... regardless of what you do in this lifetime... you will pay for it in some way at some point...my advise to anyone... stop looking to spells as a quick fix... all they do is cause damage... love spells should be left to the eternally wise who can way up the situaions in life as a whole and beyond this life... only they can see if it should be done...
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Re: karma questions
By: / Novice
Post # 4
It is fitting Balance should reply. Karma is an action upon balance. Depending how you take this not all negative action is necessarily susceptible to negative ramification, chiefly if the action is a reaction. Some negative action will receive positive ramification, this is determined by the state of things at the time. The same way that positive action is susceptible to negative ramification. Don't understand? Think about the last time you bought someone a gift you were sure they would love, but when they received it, you could just tell they were appalled. Not even they were ungreatful, you just could tell.
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Re: karma questions
Post # 5
I still dont understand how the concept of karma has embedded itself so fully into magick.

karma is a hindu belief.

sinners going to hell is a christian belief.

the god and the goddess is a wiccan belief.

belief in there only being a subjective but not an objective reality is a chaos magick belief.

i understand that many here believe in karma.

but seriously, why?

good and bad things happen, we all feel small amounts of guilt for the bad things we do, so when something similiarly bad happens to us. we tend to blame it on ourselves, and some even go as far as to say that our actions transcend this life.

why should you worry about karma if your not a hinduist nor a buddhist?

why worry about hell if your not christian?

everyone should pick and choose thier own belief structure, i understand that. i just want to make sure that all know that a belief in magick does not mean a belief in karma.

go on with your dicussion.

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Re: karma questions
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I just believe that things balance themselves out. Regardless of who does what to anyone, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. At the same time though, I believe sometime small things snowball and quickly become cataclysmic. At least the thoughts of Karma and hell, keep people in line sometimes, I guess. Karma is just a fancy word though. For what goes around comes around. In a way I guess it's true, I just don't think things always land how we expect.
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Re: karma questions
Post # 7
Karma is nothing but the law of attraction viewed for a different point of view, what you put out is what you get back, this is one of the truest most basic laws of the universe, i'm not gonna get into a discussion about it now, just out of personal experience i know karma is real to some degree, if we put out negative energy we get back more negative energy, now some of us can take that negative energy, manipulate it and use it again, thus it does not effect us in the same manner, but still, all true horrid things that we do we judge ourself for when we die, now the only way anyone will grasp this and truly believe it is to experience ego death for themselves first hand, before this you will all keep doubting, but it's pretty easy, have ego death and then let's speak about this again, because ego death is the closest thing anyone can feel to true death while still alive, same amounts of DMT is released in the brain, exact same effects as death, and in those moments when you conciousness leaves your body and all your life sins are shown to you in the most horrid way come back to me and deny karma, we create our own hell, we burn ourselves within it withour own negative karma fueling us. Thus karma is just the law of attraction, let's work on what it is instead of what it's called.
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Re: karma questions
By: / Novice
Post # 8
I think I'll bow out here, before conflict becomes argument. I stand by my belief in the system, which doesn't vary a a whole buch, but enough to leave it alone now.
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Re: karma questions
Post # 9
I do the same my friend ;)
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