urgent question

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urgent question
Post # 1
I want to know if there is spell for controlling a person mind and if I do a spell for controlling a persons mind in how many days will I see results and I want to know if it will backfire me and I want to know if there is spell for seeing quick results
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Re: urgent question
Post # 2
Well, There's a spell to make others do what you want, or at least, make them think that what you said is right, it says:

''by the power of heaven and earth, let others hearken to my words, let others hearken and listen to my command through my will, it shall be done right now''

I think that's the spell, but, in any case, look in the trick spells, command spell.
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Re: urgent question
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Well, you just lost me and my respect.
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Re: urgent question
Post # 4
Why would you want to control someones mind?

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Re: urgent question
By: / Novice
Post # 5
She thinks she can either draw her guy friend back or run off his new interest. I thought she was beyond this line of thinking, so I offered to help where I could. Not n'more :D
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Re: urgent question
Post # 6

She wants fake love.

Got it.

Grow up hun. You won't remember his name in 10 years anyways.
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Re: urgent question
Post # 7
God bless it...I'm going to preach now. I can't resist.

I don't know your issue. But I do understand wanting someone so badly it hurts. If this is over a guy, please. No.

I have almost put a woman in prison over it. By non magickal means ( yea, I can be a bit of a psycho ). I have thought about a curse. I have gotten the words on paper and prepared myself and then I thought....why? Why would I want someone who does not want me? Why would I put this "woman" in pain just because I am? To make me feel better? Because I can't see past him? How is that her fault? How is that even his fault?

You want a spell and see some results?

I suggest one for guidance and strength to move on with your life.

Yea, I could be completely wrong on your reasoning behind this......but I felt the need to ramble anyways.
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Re: urgent question
Post # 8
That's what happen when everyone have a access to magic,
people usually tend to abuse it,thinking before doing is a must i guess,but to each his own
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Re: urgent question
Post # 9
hello! I have a question, how do you read:
Bagabi laca bachabe
Lamc cahi achababe
Lamac lamec Bachalyas
Cabahagy sabalyos
Lagoz atha cabyolas
Samahac et famyolas
could someone please tell me
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Re: urgent question
Post # 10
I have a funny feeling that this is really Shikhap. Clever, drop the 'p' and nobody will know! For those members who stay away from the chatter, Shikhap is a young lady who wants her old boyfriend to wither and die alone. That is unless he comes to his senses of course and comes running back to her. You see, that's what REAL love is right? Possession? Be with me or die! Can you hear the sarcasam in this? I truly hope that I am mistaken about your identity. For if I am correct, that means that you have sunk to a whole new level of depravity and found a brand spankin new level of pathetic. Up the meds....It's time!
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