looking for help

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looking for help
Post # 1
I am trying to make a powerful tome of spells, and so
not only am i searching for spells, rituals, runes, sigils, symbols, summoning, etc., but i am also looking to anyone here for help in leaving something that will prove useful for this book.
I plan to publish this book, and it will be a great help to future generations so that all powerful spells and what not can be found in one source.
this will also prevent hard searched and powerful rare spells from being lost in time,
anyone who wishes to contribute, just pm me, and i will get back to you as soon as possible. remember, all forms of magick are allowed, from weather magick, to angel magick, to necromancy, anything that will prove useful.
once i have gained enough spells, rituals, sigils, glyphs, summoning, etc. (that mostly being when i can no longer find anymore of these) then me and a group of others will organize and place each and every spell, ritual, etc., in a specific order and section of this tome.
anyone who contributes will be given their credit and be mentioned as one of the authors/ creators of this tome, unless the person ask not to be mentioned.
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