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Post # 1
For a while now I have been reading about Ophiuchus the snake bearer. Ophiuchus is supposedly the 13th zodiac sign. I have never read of Ophiuchus in any serious astrology book and I have never heard of an astrologer who uses it.
If Ophiuchus does exist it is the ruling sun sign during, Nov 30 to Dec 17. However this messes up all other things in the zodiac that means many people who think they are one sign may actually be another. Ophiuchus would also make it so an astrology chart shows 27.692308 degrees for every sign. 13 cannot be divided evenly into 4 and Ophiuchus would be a fire sign but that would mean 5 fire signs, and 4 of every other element.
For me the existance of Ophiuchus would mean I would be a Pisces but my qualities are much more of an Aries. I was just wondering if anyone followed this system or not.
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Re: Ophiuchus
Post # 2
Ok u have my attention. Can u post or send me about ophiuchus?. Cuase I've never heared of it. I'm not saying ur wrong I like to be informed b4 I make a judgement b4 I say something
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Re: Ophiuchus
Post # 3
Ok that is intresting.yeah that's true about imohtep( probly misspled) anyway.
Ok I don't know how to say it. This may sound odd and I'm not even sure about this myself. What if ophiuchus is spirit I know it sounds odd and well me being a pices it kinda puzzles me.
Ok this is a random train of thought so bear with me. Fire, water, earth, and air all together are divisible by 2 however spirit is 5th elelment. Which is a uneven# so there for would leave a decimal. Idk what I'm saying. In case anybody does plz post
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Re: Ophiuchus
Post # 4
im glad someone has been reading ancient conncepts too... okies so... the zodiac are all related to the planets in our solar system... did you know... less than 5000 years ago there were 13 planets in our solar system... the gravity of the sun eventually pulled it in and destroyed it... less than 15000 years ago there were 15 signs in the zodiac...(earth was#6 in the chain.) and just to add another connection... in wicca as well as chinese... there are 5 elements... 3 zodiac assigned to each... when these planets all existed in our solar system... the earth was further away from the sun... our years were much longer and the concept of months varied quite a lot... ancient greeks used a calander of 7 and a half months if split into equal sections... you would get 15 sectors of planetary control...
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Re: Ophiuchus
Post # 5
Ophiucus is one of the constellations that are in the apparent way of the Sol. The Mayan, that they had a much more accurate calendar that ours, had 13 signs, being that one was exactly represented for the constellation of Ophiucus.
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