Crystal Grids

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Crystal Grids
Post # 1
I have heard of cystal grids. Apparently they are crystals placed in a certain formation to better channel energy for magickal and psionic endeavours. They have indeed taken my interest, but I am afraid I know very little. If anybody who knows anything about these, I would greatly appreiate it, as a fellow student in magick.
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Re: Crystal Grids
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I think I read something about this in one of the ancient west indian practices. It's been years. I'll see what I can't dig up for ya.
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Re: Crystal Grids
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Okay, Jah. Among other things these grids are used by reiki practicioners as well as people who believe the grids can be used as portals for "visitors". I don't judge. Stone henge was given as an example of one of these.

I'll plagerize a bit from one site and give you the addy for another: CRYSTAL(STONE)GRID. When a specific number of crystalline structures are aligned together in a highly specific geometrical pattern you create a CRYSTAL GRID. A Grid of structures. A set of crystalline structures. These grids or configurations can be used under the correct circumstances to generate energy fields that possess specific geometrical forms.  One such configuration is called the STAR of DAVID configuration pattern. In this configuration 6 crystalline structures of similar size are used. The structures are arranged in a pattern(within a circle) so that 6 of them are placed at the points of a hexagon with the termination(points) pointed inward. It has been said by one source that an  ETHERIC crystal is supposedly being created by aligning SIX CRYSTALS in a STAR  of DAVID configuration pattern.  In the center of this STAR of DAVID crystalline grid structure it has been said by some individuals that the energy fields converge into the center to form a pillar(tower) of light.  The STAR of DAVID configuration pattern is only one of many possible geometrical arrangements or forms that can be constructed with crystalline or stone structures.  Each configuration of structures will produce different energy patterns or energy fields with different geometrical forms that will be dependent on the particular configuration that is constructed.

My suggestion? Play with it. Hope this helps.
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Re: Crystal Grids
By: / Novice
Post # 4
I thought I had read something on an ancient cicilization using hand carved stone and crystal materia as kind of the same thing. Hand carved, ancient, and spherical. Would have been impressive to view! I can't find anything about it right off though. Go figure.
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