short story ,the waiting

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short story ,the waiting
Post # 1
the cold and harsh winter wind blows without kindness or compassion it only holds the better cold of a harsh world. there in the middle of a field covered in a snowstorm lays a cave sealed with a spell. no one can enter this cave no matter how hard they hit the seal or what spell they cast.In side the cave a black dragon sleeps dreaming of a world she doesn't belong in. She will remain asleep till she stops dreaming of a fake world fulled with nothing ,but lies of which she believes is truth. there she sleeps for meny a year. on the outside of the cave a white dragon waits...he can not reach her no matter how hard he tries. the seal will remain till she is awake and there he waits,he stands,he stays.he hasn't moved from outside the cave since his mate has been sealed away behide a cloud of lies. for years he has sat,waiting...he stands as if he was a stone. even thought the hard wind beats against him he does not move, even though the wind is so cold it burns t, even though he feels nothing but a numd nothingness...he stays waiting for his mate to awake. There he will stay till the end of time if he must. The only thing keeping his heart warm are memories of his fare mate...her kind heart,her gentle touch,her loving smile,her beautiful voice and so much couldn't find a thing big enff in the world to list all the wonderful things about her. all he needs are those memories. for years under the monsteres cold it has kepted his heart warm as the sun...even though everything ease has gone numd. There he has waited...there he waits...and there he shall wait. for he knows one day she will return to him with the loving smile he has waiting for so meny years to see once more and then his spring will finally come...he waits for his best friend,his lover, and his soul mate...and he will wait as long as it takes.

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Re: short story ,the waiting
Post # 2
i just wrote this cuse i felt like it i guess. i bet alot of people feel like this sometimes. you know when you find that right person and she/he was raised to be a closed minded christen...or some crap like that.
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Re: short story ,the waiting
By: / Novice
Post # 3
It is a beautiful story of true love and dedication. I like it =0)
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Re: short story ,the waiting
Post # 4
beautiful, simply beautiful
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Re: short story ,the waiting
Post # 5
I know the story well and you wrote it beautifully.
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Re: short story ,the waiting
Post # 6
thanks guys ^_^
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Re: short story ,the waiting
Post # 7
Great don't always need fancy words to get across a powerful, heartfelt point; as you just displayed:)
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Re: short story ,the waiting
Post # 8
I like this story very much, thank you for writing it :)
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