strory telling magic?

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strory telling magic?
Post # 1
I was googling the word magic this afternoon. Around page 8 out of 1000 there was mention of story telling magic and I was wondering how do you do this?
Its not a pressing thing. Its just a oh I didn't know that was possible.
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 2
I was actually just thinking about something similar. I think it would be possible because writing can be a form of meditation and you are focusing on what you are writing so, it might work.
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 3
Well I techinicly wasn't refering to writing I was more thinking vocal. Like per example reading to a bunch of first graders
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 4
have you ever witnessed group guided meditation?
have you ever been to a church or synagogue or other place of worship... you have 1 person who spends the whole time talking... and others listen and zone into this persons words and (whether they realise it or not) feed energy into this speaker... the speaker then directs the energies.

think about it... its very easy
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 5
Ok ty balance.
I've been to church b4.( I think about 5 years ago) Attended a sermon b4. I didn't find it paticualer intresting. I think the pastor was talking about the rebirth of christ. I can't remember much about it. I think I feel asleep.
Cool. And derecting that energy shouldn't be that hard.
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 6
nope not really... in fact it is a lot like directing wind... you allow it to flow around and away from you. this is what most "religious" healers do... they have no healing abilties of their own... so they bring a lot of people together and everyone is thinking amazing wonderful positive thought... after giving the "sermon" and getting them to all send their energy to you, you direct that energy to the persons who are sick, and with the power of the human soul... (whether they realise it or not) they actually heal themselves...
this is done in many forms tho...

also imagine many strong powerfull leaders and worriors and hunters gathering at a full moon. some one is chosen to lead the meet... and after a few pulls from the "peace pipe" a few sips of a drink made by the medicine man. and he begins to talk... your body and mind become restless... there is a lot of dancing and singing and humming... the whole time... there is the voice of the "leader" soft but audible over the noise... your soul begins to feel light and so you stand... your body begins to dance and twirl in a very peculiar way... you know this because suddenly you are watching from a few meters behind yourself... you look up at the sky and in the smoke of the fire, you can see your gods watching you... you thank them for joining you and go sit a little away from the fire... hee begins your teaching of the soul and of life... when you are done you go out and practice till you are exhausted... at this point you go over to where your body has collapsed on the floor... and you join it... sleep overtakes you and when you wake up, you feel solid and strong and ready for another month

this is an ancient form of guided meditation... ages old and sadly not practiced much anymore. however, this is the oldest form of story magik.
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 7
Sounds fun.
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 8
Memories, the ancient ways, i'm game for a ritual of this manner if anyone ever makes it to SA
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 9
Well, it'll always be the dream. Or somewhere outta here, anyway. I am SO gonna get slammed for saying this, but I am plain tired of the US

It doesn't matter who we have in government because everything is So messed up that no one person or party is going to be able to fix it in any forseeable future.

Think I'll pack my bag and run away.
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Re: strory telling magic?
Post # 10
Run to SA, there is gonna be a colony here soon enough,hehe, soon enough..
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