Ran across this website and wanted to know what some of the moms thought. And for everyone, do you think these games and systems could help adults as well?
Children have heighten senses until they are taught to ignore it, or simply don't have it nurtured. Some have it stronger than others.
If my son showed signs of certian abilities, I would nurture it. But for the most part, I see no reason to force them for the sake of "opening a new way to a world beyond logic".
First, I'll make it clear I don't have kids so I can't relate from there. And I'd also like to say agree with what you said.
I also think though that this is a way to have people learn to hang on to those things we all lose as we grow older. To keep the mind alive and alert instead of getting dusty like we tend to. Some of these games are simple and I thought I may even enjoy playing them to keep myself alert.
Maybe this game would be more helpful in the transitional stage. The teens...where everything is lost or found.
I really do understand what you're saying Healer, I guess this just kinda piques my interest on a children of the damned kind of level. o/o
Hey, everyone will look at it differently. And there's nothing wrong with that at all.
I was kinda annoyed with the wording of the writer. To say that to feed the left side of the brain alone is wrong. I'd like to kick him/her in the shorts.
I think it's a great idea for older kids. Hell, I may make my mommy work on that with me. Of course I'll tell her to take off her glasses, cause I tend to cheat =) Don't ever play Clue with me, I can tell what cards you have by the position of your hand checking the list lol.
Anyways, I think quite a few people could benefit from the practice. Myself included. Just not infants. By the time they're 2 they'll know you're lying about Santa and the tooth fairy!
my son has abilities. I just took a quick look at the site, it is something I would like to use with him.He has seen spirits at an early age. Alot of kids who have been classified as adhd /bipolar ect. have these abilities.and docs dumb them down with meds. Now sometimes meds are necessary.But I have found with the right type of treatments, such as reiki and past life work alot of these issues the kids have will vanish.
It would be so much easier if the goverment allowed alternative theraPIES and cash for organic foods. okay off my soapbox now.
Yes i think they can help adults too.
lol... these are all games i used to play with my mom as a child... i am not yet a mother, but my children will be raised very similar to the way i was... this way my children will probably end up much stronger than most "young adults" i think it is essential to have a child learn to use and play with their abilities... children adapt these lessons into everyday life, eg: if i hadnt known how to predict (even if only a few seconds in the future) i would be dead, children when left to play, play with a lot of dangerous things, i learnt at a young age to feel snakes emotions and actions
so Kao and my children will very probably grow up with something similar to these. im sure as well many of Kao's other wives children will grow up in a similar mannner
Thank you Perdurabo for sharing this article with us. I believe it is most important to play HSP games and interact with children of all ages in a way that encourages all of the minds growth.
I can tell you by experience that both my children have benefited from HSP interaction. Even in the womb I was sending information via telepathy and verbally. As a baby grows it's mind becomes able to interact differently. How a baby feels is the first information to be sent back through telepathy and this is how a mother can pick up on what it is the baby needs. I breast fed both of my children and not only did I have the spontaneous milk flow when I heard any baby's hungry cry, I would also sometimes start moments before my own children were about to cry in hunger.
As children grow it is important to keep in mind that not only are you encouraging HSP growth but all growth. With my second I ran into the problem of speech. She began to talk later than what my first did and I did not think too much about it until it was a concern of her preschool teacher. Not only was she talking through telepathy to me but also to her sister. This means two people were encouraging HSP with her and since we were the main two people in her early daily life she was expecting everyone to communicate through this means. I had to change the way I was dealing with my child by refusing to communicate via telepathy and the phase "use your words" became a common sentience. My husband even had to take on more teaching responsibilities because of the stubborn nature of a cancer child. (I left two cancers to deal with each other and the claws would start snapping) But in the end she learned that to deal with her peers it was better to verbally communicate then sit sending messages that no one in the room was receiving.
Another good game to play is hide and seek. When you hide you send the information of where you are and see how long it takes them to find you. Also the phone and door game of guess who is calling when the phone rings and who is at the door when someone knocks.
As for the Tooth Fairy, Santa, and the Easter Bunny my children still believe. The younger one still think it's different people, and the older one knows it's mom and dad but just want to play along because it's fun. Shielding is how you get around information that you don't want your children to pick up on. Things go on in any house that children do not need to know about. Keeping adult business adult just means you block the access of that information from the children.