really wanting something

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really wanting something
Post # 1
hi all, just wondering if you really want something and decide to do some spells to advance the chances of it happening is there a chance that be doing a number of different spells for the same thing will this cause each spell to cancel out the otherone or can you do as many different spells for the same thing ie fertility, attracting good luck etc. and secondly what is it meant by spells backfiring what sort of things can happen and how long after doing a spell will you know if it worked or backfired?
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Re: really wanting something
Post # 2
I really dont know about the spells cancelling themselves out,but if you have faith in your magick,it seems that you wouldnt need to cast so many.As far as spells backfiring,some believe in the "with harm to none" code of conduct,or the 3 fold law meaning what ever you put out in the universe it returns to you 3 fold,good or bad,and some believe there is no good or bad its just the intentions of the user that decide.Say for instance you used magick to increase fertility,when you had been infertile,and you conceived a child because of magick,but the child was born with serious defects,that could be a spell back firing.Or if you did a spell for Money and someone you loved died and left you the benificiary on there life insurance,that could be a spell backfiring.I personally follow the "with harm to none do what thou will" kind of teaching,I guess,but others follow different teachings with different rules,some with no rules at all,and they would be better to describe them than me.Sorry I couldnt be more help..Peace
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Re: really wanting something
Post # 3
The idea of backfiring depends on the person.

As Nodrk said, some believe in Karma, some see it as every action has a reaction, some....don't even buy that.

What you put into a spell is what you will get back. There is no time frame for results, it depends on the caster.
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Re: really wanting something
Post # 4
I would suggest a difference between lack of compitance, not having the spell "calibrated" to intent, and karma.

If you are careless things do go wrong, if you work on a trial and error basis to perfect a spell (perfectly logical way to work) then things Could go wrong, or if you feel there will be concequences there will be.

there are work arounds for most: do things you know wolnt make you feel guilty, use neutral energies, work out contingincies before casting, trial run with very little power fueling it ect.

You can "stack" spells to an effect, but it would be better (imo) to use different energies or different Variations each time to make it effective and worthwile.

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