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reply to "Stop"
Post # 1
i have an idea, i got this idea from that forum. after my years of studying magick, i got sick of people doing spells without studying them. now i am talking about the people that is very new and maybe somewhat new to magick. i think that those who start magick well have to study it hard for half a year or maybe more.

so here comes my idea, on the new site maybe everyone should have real ranks on there magick skills and what they know. there for, people don't have to ask for someone that can do healing, protection, and ect. also for the ones that just started out a profile cannot look at the spells (so they don't hurt themselves or say "i have done this spell, but nothing happen"). i also think that we should have tests to prove that they have learned what they need to learn to pass on to the next rank. there should be like a test page or a link to a test. i know that the coding well be hard to make this so. so i well not be mad if this takes a month or two.

now that is my idea, it does not have to be done. i really do think that this well make the site a lot better.
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Re: reply to "Stop"
Post # 2
I'm not sure.

How would you test something that has different methods? I can promise the way I practice healing is going to be different from others. The way one person casts a spell will be different from someone else. You can't base it off of books because again, different methods.

While I understand your point, I think it may cause more problems to figure out than anything else. And frankly, if I get the rank of a noob because I didn't read the right books, I'd be slightly sad lol.

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Re: reply to "Stop"
Post # 3
I think that having a "ranking system" would be a bad idea. You can be good at something but that does not make you a higher rank. There are factors that come into play if you were being classified based on the way you react to things and your skill level. You count in your emotional status, how you react to certain situations, leadership skills and lastly skill. You could factor in other things if you really wanted like Experience and maturity too. But thats not what my point is getting at. What I'm trying to say is that you will have people that will think they are superior to others on teh website and that is not the case. I do think there is another way that you could have a system that is closely related.

Forexample, the covens could be a different color from people not in a coven. But that would just be a usergroup thing to show that they belong in that coven, no power behind it. However the Lords and Ladies of the covens (Priests and Preitesses) Could have moderating powers over their Specific coven forums.

The site in general would have global moderators that handle allround things like spam deletion and Baning people (But I think it would be plausible to call them Administrators instead as the Coven leaders would be moderators.

Depending on what CMS (Content Management System) is used, you could have people in mulitple usergroups aswell as certain limitations to their account and/or ACP (Administrative Control Panel) access.

I do not think that you can give people a title based on their skill in magick though, Unless it is to classify them in the Usergroup of "Teacher". There is just no way to equally evaluate each person and categorize their strengths and weaknesses. If there was a Teacher Usergroup then they should not have any aditional features that Normal Users do not, They would only be in a different usergroup to show that they are willing to help out other members.

Thats just my 2cents though.

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Re: reply to "Stop"
Post # 4
thank you for putting your thoughts into it. you really helped me out here on this one. i am going to try and stop helping this site, all because pet thinks that i am some sort of spammer or a hacker or whatever...
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Re: reply to "Stop"
Post # 5
Oh dang, chaos, you're a valued member.. = [
By the way, I reckon a "Teacher" status would be good, and also the area they specialise in too.
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Re: reply to "Stop"
Post # 6
I have read all the posts here and can see both sides.

But having said that most of the newbies find an old hand to help them anyway.

You can't stop the young ones doing spells and getting straight into it unless you can physically be there with them, it's part of the yourh thing that they want to try things out. And lets be honest most of the time they come back saying the spell didn't work so then you can tell them - agin if needed - that they need to start from the beginning and learn.

Now I for one have lots of patience and will teach anyone who asks.

Trouble about tests here is that we are all so different and walk different magickal paths. There are plenty of sites that have magick lessons and tests involved.


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