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Post # 1
Ok, I sometimes see the future in dreams. A little while ago I had a dream. I was in school as usual but i saw 3 figures of death. The next day it turned out our caretaker had suffered a fatal heart attack. About 2 weeks later one of my teachers was hit by a car, luckily at hospital at the current time and hopefully getting better! Im really worrued! Any advice?
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Re: Dreams
Post # 2
keep a dream journal it will help you recognize patterns in your premonition dreams. It can be quite helpful if you learn about your dreams and when you have them they come true. It could help you save alot of people
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Re: Dreams
Post # 3
thanks for you help, it will come in handy
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Re: Dreams
Post # 4
Very good bluewolf. Many need to learn basic knowledge as you have come to. I shall pray for more spiritual knowledge,wisdom, and understanding for us all. Thank you for this education. Peace and Light.

Long live the King.
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Re: Dreams
Post # 5
u mite think am silly but whenever i dream a very negative dream about me or someone, i dont tell anyone. i dont verbalize it. i do this to prevent it from coming true. i believe if i dont say it that it wont come true. what do you think?
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Re: Dreams
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
I do the samething not speaking of bad dreams. I found in the past that if I do speak it out loud it will come true.
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Re: Dreams
Post # 7
WELL... i always tell my dreams and not 1 has come true... i really want some to, but they won't
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Re: Dreams
Post # 8
lilwitch, sometimes dreams are just that, dreams. It's our minds way of working out things that have happened that day as well as sned us signs of things we need to work out.
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Re: Dreams
Post # 9
I agree with both answers.
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