Hey all

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Hey all
Post # 1
Hi I'm Vic.

The reason I joined the site is to look for a spell, or someone that can cast a spell for my wife, and since I really suck at magic, I was hoping the latter would take place..lol

She is on a diet and it's working great, a slow and long process, but yet working to her liking, the only problem she has is that she's losing the pounds, but not the inches.

I would really like to give her the body, she so desires..
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Re: Hey all
Post # 2
Merry Meet Vic and welcome.

The inches will come off. At first you lose the fat inside your body around the organs and this can not be seen by the tape measure only the scales.

It is good that you have a desire for her but no spell can work this sort of thing. She is doing fine on her own. She needs to exercise more and that will help a lot.

Also you both need to be realistic and realise that we are who we are and no matter what body we have we are all beautiful. She needs to work on her self esteem and you need to accept her as she is.

I am sure you will be a great support and help for her on her weight loss journey - it will be a long one - and she will lose the inches soon enough.


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Re: Hey all
Post # 3
Thanx Rowan....

We'll see how it goes, just hopes she does finally begin.... She is so down on herself and I would really like her to be happy.... I love her soooooo much to see her hurt like that..
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