witch victim

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witch victim
Post # 1
hi im a victim of the so called witch(es)or what we call 'mangkukulam' here in the philippines...i've been through a lot of shamans & seers & fortunately,one of em recognizes the 'witch' who attacked me though their means of casting spells & i heard by eating fetus w/placenta to make their lives longer,look young & enrich their ritual occult activities significantly in the province of cavite...they even have modus operandi to victimize guys,married single or divorced & hoard money.from what i found out,the person is good at disguising :changing phone numbers,coming up with a lot of aliases,no permanent address...etc....& to the point of pretending that she is single with no kids at all to her potential victims!!! well ,i pity her kids because they loved her so much!!!but this wicked witch is very well experienced in fabricating stories,forging documents (theft,estafa with warrant of arrests in one of our local investigation bureau & consistently under citifinancials watchlistas of today).i was lucky to have met alex one of the seer i consulted with that he knew anything about the witch from cavite.& truly indeed,attested that im one of her Nth victims of their occult.
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