Misinformation Palooza

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Misinformation Palooza
Post # 1
this type of article is the type of misinformation we DON'T need floating around.


i particularly like this qoute "black magic should be aimed at harming people, increasing chaos, inciting disasters and cursing people and items to bring bad luck. You can't do that by using magic, as the path to enlightenment always leads towards the light. The closer you get there, the less you want to do wrong. The more you want to do wrong, the less you can use magic. Dreaded black mages and their dark sorcery live only on the pages of fantasy books. Most black magicians are either hopeless “wannabes” or poor souls living in the shadows of their former power."

i would warn all new mages to stay away from sites that put down or "diss" a certain style or brand of magick.

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Re: Misinformation Palooza
Post # 2
i agree with you, that site is horrible, and there is a lot of misinformation. My fav quote from there is "What is more, due to the influence of Christianity and its negative attitude for magic unsanctioned by the Church, especially witchcraft with its fertility and love spells, many practitioners of white magic traditions believe they draw their powers from the demons and devils. It is even possible to cast spells in the name of demons if only the spellcaster's heart is pure, though this is quite dangerous and rarely worth the trouble."

wtf is wrong with people?
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Re: Misinformation Palooza
Post # 3
Yep, it's a crappy site.

I wish whats-his-name would stop stealing their info and posting it here, though. Even if it's a shitty article, it's still copyrighted to the author.
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Re: Misinformation Palooza
Post # 4
lol Aelwyn, your pet peeve is showing again....haha, just teasin ya...I still think the site is a bunch of nonsense, and that THEY should be put on their own SCAM LIST, that they have
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Re: Misinformation Palooza
Post # 5
I think the site is a money scam, charging for casting spells for people. :P

My pet peeve is showing? *covers it up* ;)
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Re: Misinformation Palooza
Post # 6
Sanajk is posting stuff from it..
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