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Post # 1
i'm confuse,,
some people that have strong religion think that some one could not use magic because they think magic is some terrible, because they think that some one that have magic it is given by the devil and because the GOD do not allow it,,,
so magic is forbidden for everyone that have religion,,

can we use magic and are we wrong to learn magic?
give me you are opinion and advice...

thanks and peace....
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Re: confuse
Post # 2
Haha, everything is created by God in any religion, even the Devil, like all energy comes from the Sun.
In action, everything comes from God!!! If you're religious taht is.
As the great Forgotten once said, laws were made to balance, but humans just HAD to make laws into limiting things.
If you have that religion, as some random asian (I'm chinese) christian lady preacher who was talking to my friend said, if it's not from god, who is it from? (the devil!) In this case, my friend was talking about harry potter..
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Re: confuse
Post # 3
so you think that magic that we learn is from Devil?
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Re: confuse
Post # 4
Once you have been around here awhile. You will learn,alot of what you were taught about the Bible and the devil is wrong information.The Bible was rewritten to control us. The devil/satan as you call him, is actually a nice being,Not some evil entity set on destroying us. We do that our own selves.
I believe evil lives in the hearts of men,not in some being.
You can learn magick and you won't get hit by lightening or anything else, if you choose to practice.

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Re: confuse
Post # 5
*Bows to LadyTessa's Wisdom*...The question is not wether or not main stream religion thinks your wrong .The question is what do you think?The biggest enemy of any govenment is an educated population.So things were in fact changed and re-written in the Bible in an effort to controll public beliefs and practices.Does that mean you shouldnt worship the God of the Bible?No not at all.What or who you worship is a personal choice,you may choose not to worship anything at all,but if thats the case ,let it be your choice.Not a choice made by people that were afraid to live in a world where people had all the facts and were free to choose for them selves.So Do I believe that all magick is evil...No but I believe the intent of the user can be. Magick is like has no intent on its own..its just there to be used...or at least thats how I see it
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