
Forums ► General Info ► when?

Post # 1
ok peoples, i've been reading up on posts and you keep saying different dates when the war is coming.. some say mid 2008-2009, 2012 and stuff.. can someone just tell me when cuz this is confusin and i don't know which one to believe.
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Re: when?
Post # 2
well....don`t believe in anyone of these dates.....
no one can explain so we`ll just have to wait....
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Re: when?
Post # 3
i don't belive there is going 2 be 1 at all
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Re: when?
Post # 4
well its your belief spellgirl,i can`t do anything to that...
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Re: when?
Post # 5
ok.. i'm not sure if it will happen but i do want to be prepared incase. so who here feels like telling me how to fight and defend myself so i don't get screwed over by a demon lol
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Re: when?
Post # 6
There are some ki techniques i wrote on this site:
just register and go over to the energy manipulation board,also stay if u find it helpful =)
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Re: when?
Post # 7
lol, i'm already registered there. i'll take a look
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Re: when?
Post # 8
ok ok, i know you guys don't know exactly when or even believe in it. but when is it most likely to happen? and i need someone to teach me how to slaughter demons, i really don't feel like being killed you know.
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Re: when?
Post # 9
Some call it ascension that will lead towards a new golden age, others talk about a demon invasion, poles reversal and the return of the Annunaki...
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Re: when?
Post # 10
look, can someone seriously teach me how to defend myself and kill demons? i want to be prepared JUST INCASE and i really can't find anything on the internet to teach myself. someone.. please?
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